Will You Trust Your Prayers to God

Are you hurting, struggling, or stressed? Is being self-isolated wearing on you? If so, are you crying out to God? That’s what David did. Psalm 86:10 records his words, “You are GREAT and do wondrous deeds; You alone are God.” His words are not mindlessly spoken. Rather, they are heartfelt and spoken in the midst of his afflictions and needs. When David says, “You are great and do wondrous deeds,” he is professing his trust in God’s GREATNESS. He is looking at the heavens and saying, “You alone are God. I know nothing is too difficult for You. I know You can help, so do!” Today, we can re-affirm our faith in God’s GREATNESS. We can pray the words David prayed. Join me in praying for our nation to turn to God during this time of national crisis and that His will be accomplished. Pray for the needs on your heart. Believe that your great God hears you. Walk out your belief with a hopeful heart. He does hear you and He loves you so very much.
Heavenly Father, we believe in Your greatness. We know You see us and hear our prayers. Please forgive our sins, for ways we have strayed from faithfully loving You and following You. Show us the way You want us to walk. Increase our hunger to daily study the Bible so we walk in Your will. We love You.