You Either Have It or You Don’t

We all know what we mean when we say, “I don’t have it in me to….” Then we complete the thought. “I don’t have it in me to change.” “I don’t have it in me to keep working this hard.” It’s important for us to recognize if we do or don’t have something in us. At the top of our checklist should be if we have the life of Christ in us. We either do or we don’t, and 2 Corinthians 13:5 advises every person to test themselves to see if they do. You see, going to church, enjoying nature, or being a nice person doesn’t make a person a Christian. A Christian is one who has Christ “in” them. ChristIaN. How do we get Christ in us? As we sow a seed into the ground so a plant can spring forth, we receive the seed of Christ’s Holy Spirit into our spirit. God does the work. He sows His seed into our spirit when we come to Jesus by faith and confess Him as Lord and Savior. Why would we come to Jesus? Because we don’t have it in us to be who God created us to be. If we want to go to heaven when we die, then we need His Holy Spirit in us. If we want to live the life our heart desires, then we need His Holy Spirit in us. The question is, do we or don’t we have Christ (the Holy Spirit) in us? It’s a consideration that has consequences eternally and now. ChristINs have the power and ability to live above our circumstances. ChristINs have the power to overcome our addictions and habits. Don’t believe the lie that you can’t change if Christ is IN you. The truth is – Christ IN you means all things are possible.
Lord Jesus, promised Seed of Salvation, thank You for planting Your Holy Spirit in us. We love and adore You. We pray You plant HOPE in us so we overcome Satan’s lies and live by Your power and truth. Help us.
“’And I will put enmity
Between you (satan) and the woman,
And between your (satan’s) seed and her seed (Christ);
He shall bruise you on the head,
And you shall bruise him on the heel.'”