“Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance.”

2 Thessalonians 3:16

Peace? Continually? In every circumstance? Are you kidding?” we might ask someone and then continue, “You don’t know my circumstances!” Is the apostle Paul delusional? No. In fact, he knows loneliness, being ship wrecked, and the harshness of being beaten and wrongly imprisoned. His circle of ministry includes people who won’t work but expect handouts and others who are busybodies. He knows physical suffering. So perhaps he’s someone to whom we should listen. Why? Because what Paul is talking about is experiencing GOD in the midst of our circumstances. We have it wrong if we expect all peaceful circumstances on this earth. That’s what heaven is. But today, right now, God offers Himself: the Lord of peace and His presence to us. 

I praise You, Lord, for Your PEACE and presence with me in every circumstance. 

*Find more encouragement HERE.  Did you miss an attribute? The list is HERE. Be sure to record them in your Prayers of My Heart prayer journal so you’ll have a keepsake of all 365 at the end of 2013!
