I’m Your Huckleberry

Are you familiar with the saying, “I’m your huckleberry”? Last summer, my husband and I visited Glacier National Park. Right outside the park, we stopped at a restaurant that had every imaginable huckleberry item. Huckleberry pie, huckleberry pancakes. Huckleberry syrup. My husband insisted on buying me a purple shirt that said, “I’m your huckleberry.” Doing a little research on exactly what that statement meant, I discovered that to be one’s huckleberry is “to be just the right person for a job.” When I thought about that definition, my mind quickly raced to Jesus. He, as God’s Son, is the only One who could die for our sins, return to heaven, and empower us to live the Christian life. If you’re looking for the right One to follow, that person is the Jesus Christ. There’s no one more right for this life and the next than Him.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus Christ, the perfect and only One who could satisfy our sin debt and give us life eternal.
Hi Debbie,
SallIie here from the Monadnock Conference. I was so blessed by your ministry to us there!!! . I bought the Pray with Purpose Live with Passion Bible DVD set.
My goal was to present it when we finished our study in Judges. We saw God’s faithfulness despite man’s sin, over and over. Seeing the results of life without God was heavy. During that study I gave them a list of 26 attributes of God when I returned from retreat. That has already been an encouragement to their walk with God. They are looking forward to this study.
I see that there are worksheets on your site and am thinking they are to print and use with the DVD. I know they will be happy to have them.
I watched the first DVD today and will do so again before our class next Thursday.
Thanks again Debbie!