“Say to God, ‘How AWESOME are Your works …All the earth will worship You, and will sing praises to You;…’”

Psalm 66:3-4

“Awesome!” It’s a word typically used for anything from completing a project to hearing about a new coffee. But, when the psalmist says in Psalm 66:5, “Come and see the works of God, Who is AWESOME in His deeds toward the sons of men,” the term means, “stupendous, illustrious.” Read Psalm 66:6. Continue with verse 16, “Come and hear, all who fear God and I will tell of what He has done for my soul.” I want to shout “hallelujah” in agreement! Our AWESOME GOD has done great things for our souls!!! And, then there is verse 20, “Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer nor His lovingkindness from me.” Now, THAT’s AWESOME! Don’t you agree?

I praise You, AWESOME GOD! You have done great things for my soul! You have not turned away my prayer nor Your lovingkindness. I praise YOU! 

ANNOUNCEMENT: Many have asked about the Listen UP! Conference. If you can attend, please do! Register HERE. IF YOU CAN’T BE PRESENT, you can WATCH LIVE STREAM, 9-NOON CST on your phone, Ipad, computer HERE. Learn more about the Listen UP Conf HERE.

