When Whims Aren’t Good

Can you imagine if God ruled by whim, by ever-changing emotions and laws? What if on a whim, He decided to not be forgiving? Or, to forgive one person, but not another? What if God’s standard of holiness changed year by year? But, thank goodness, that is not who our God is. Psalm 99:4 says He loves justice. He has ESTABLISHED EQUITY. That is why the psalmist says, “Let them praise Your great and awesome name; Holy is He.” (Psalm 99:3) Yes, that is why we praise our great and awesome God. He is not a God of whim, but rather, a God of equity.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You don’t rule by whim, but rather with equity. We love and praise You!
Dear friends, God connected us through our 365 Days of Praise, Beyond Ourselves podcasts, Bible studies, and conferences. Now, we have 3 new venues for spreading God’s Word and Love: “Something to Think About” Instagram stories, UpLIFT radio, and a Prayer Wall. We’re excited to invite you to join us in what God is doing through your generous donation of any amount.
Instagram stories are reaching people in innovative ways. We’re dedicated to using it as a platform for Christ. “Something to Think About” are 60 second videos that invite people to think about Biblical truth as it relates to their daily life.
People listen to the radio in their cars and homes. Our new 60 second UpLIFT Radio spots being developed are designed to encourage and inspire listeners with Biblical truth and God’s love. With your gift, we’ll be able to expand our reach to new listeners.
If there was ever a time people need prayer, it’s now. But not everyone is plugged into a prayer group or has someone they can call for prayer. Our new Prayer Wall that we want to add to our website will allow people to post a prayer and know that someone is praying for them.
God is not a man. His ways and thoughts are Higher. Thanks for sharing this article. I enjoyed reading it. God bless you.
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