If You Can’t Catch Your Breath

Do you ever feel like you can’t breathe; you have so much weighing on you? Or, you’re running so fast, it’s hard to catch your “breath”?  The fact is, we can feel those ways at times; literally, physically depleted. But, we can also feel fatigued and out of breath spiritually. If, and when, we feel like we’ve had the breath knocked out of us through financial, physical, emotional, or relational blows, we can turn to our Heavenly Father.  Isaiah 42:5-6 says, “Thus says God the Lord, Who created the heavens and stretched them out, Who spread out the earth and its offspring, Who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk in it, I am the LORD, I have called You in righteousness, I will also hold You by the hand and watch over You, and I will appoint You as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations.”  What comforting words!  God gives us our breath and spirit. Our BREATH GIVER comforts us that He holds us by the hand and watches over us. Our BREATH GIVER reminds us of our covenant relationship with Him and of our appointment as a light to the nations. Our identity, our comfort, and our purpose are God breathed.

LORD, Thank You for giving us Your BREATH of life and SPIRIT. May we in turn, live for You and Your purposes.

#BibleGateway Blogger Grid Member
