Prepare to Meet Jesus


Do you “clean up” before something important? Maybe we have a job interview, are going to a wedding, or out with friends. Do we bathe and put on clean clothes? Sure! We prepare for who we’re going to meet. One of Jesus’s beloved followers, John, tells believers that we should purify ourselves. But hasn’t Jesus already made us pure? Yes. We’re saved by faith in Christ’s completed work on the cross. But John makes a point. As children of God, we should eagerly anticipate meeting Christ and therefore desire to put off sin. If we knew that we’d meet Jesus in a few hours, what would we do? Right a relationship? Make an apology? Release a resentment? Shuck a bad habit? The fact is, we will soon be meeting Jesus. 1 John 3:3 tells us, “everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He (Christ) is pure.” Now is a good time for us to ask forgiveness for our sins and for the Holy Spirit to fill us.

Lord Jesus, You are PURE and we desire to be pure. Forgive our sin. Fill us with Your pure, Holy Spirit.  

“Everyone who has this hope fixed on Him (Jesus) purifies himself, just as He is PURE.” 1 John 3:3
