Walk Out of the Dark and In the Light

Have you ever been in a “dark place”? Perhaps you are now. Everywhere you look, it’s dark, and what’s worse – you don’t see a way out. If you have been there or you are now, can you imagine what it would be like to be there forever, and to know that you’d never escape? God and Satan are powerful. They each have domains, or kingdoms. God’s domain is heaven and light. Satan’s domain is hell and darkness. First John 1:19 explains “the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” But, the good news of Colossians 1:13 is that Christ RESCUED us from the domain of darkness. Rather than walk in the darkness of worldly discouragement, look up to the glorious light of Christ. Ask Him to infuse you with His light; to give you His eyes to see the hope you have in Him. You have the God of eternity on your side. Thank Him. Praise Him. Walk out of the evil one’s lies and in the Light of your hope in Christ.
Lord Jesus, You have RESCUED us from the domain of darkness. Infuse us with Your light so we walk as children of Light. We love You and praise You!
“He RESCUED US from the DOMAIN of DARKNESS, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.”