“He has also made Me a select arrow,
He has hidden Me in His quiver.”

Isaiah 49:2

Commentator David Guzik explains this description of Jesus in this way: “The Messiah prophetically proclaims that He is like a carefully made and polished ARROW in the service of the LORD, ready to be used at the right time.”* In other words, at the right time, God sent Jesus forth. Commentator Matthew Henry adds regarding Christ being a Select Arrow: “furnished Him with every thing necessary to fight God’s battles against the powers of darkness, to conquer Satan, …”**  Christ being a Select Arrow, as with every description of God’s attributes, increases our appreciation and mindfulness of the fulness of His character; giving us more reason to meditate on Him in wonder and awe.

Lord Jesus Christ, SELECT ARROW of the Lord, thank You for coming forth from Your Father and fighting the powers of darkness; securing our salvation and freedom. We love and praise You!
