22 Degrees – The Importance of Clarifying Information

22 Degrees. Winter Storm coming. How could that be, I wondered, glancing outside at the beautiful day. Double-checking the weather, I realized it was for a state where I’d spoken, not where I live. Contemplating my reaction to “22 degrees” was a reminder of how easy it is to draw wrong conclusions. Could that be why Jesus said in Matthew 5:23-24 that if a Christian has something against us, we’re to go to them and be reconciled; why He says in Matthew 18:15 that if we think a Christian has done something wrong, we’re to go to them privately rather than gossip about them? “Go” is the keyword in both cases. Rather than draw wrong conclusions, be a Christian who follows Christ’s counsel. Find more insights in my book, The Plan A Woman in a Plan B World at debbietaylorwilliams.