2 Peter: Living by the Divine Nature

Partakers of the Divine Nature

2 Peter 1:1-4

Do you ever feel like you are swimming against the current in our culture? Or, do you ever feel like you are swimming against the current in regard to your own human nature and habits?  Peter, who struggled more than once with his human nature, now boldly encourages us that we have everything we need for life and for godliness. Yes, godliness! Be encouraged and equipped by his life changing message.

Are These Qualities Yours? 7 Qualities to Add to Your Faith

2 Peter 1:5-21

Have you ever wished someone would spell out practical steps to help you grow in your walk with Christ? If so, get ready to take notes because that is exactly what Peter does. He gives 7 qualities that we are to immediately add to our faith.

Beware False Teachers

2 Peter 2:1-22

We’ve heard about false teachers from Jesus. Paul warns us about false teachers. But how can we identify them? Peter gives us 30 characteristics of false teachers. Get your pen handy so you can jot these down and better yet, be on guard against.

The Coming of the Lord

2 Peter 3:1-18

We’ve read about and heard sermons about Jesus’s second coming. So what divinely inspired words does the Holy Spirit give Peter that the Lord wants us to know?