A “Go To” Resort

I don’t know about you, but Covid put a screeching halt on me traveling for speaking engagements.  What about you and any travel plans you may have had? Does a nice resort somewhere sound nice? If so, Psalm 34:4  has a recommendation. “I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” Nice verse, right? No, it’s more than a nice verse. It’s an incredible verse. Fear is coursing through the veins of people. “What will happen to our nation/world? What will happen to my children and grandchildren? What will happen to me?” If you are among those who are living with fear, closely consider the meaning of some of the psalmist words and rethink why Psalm 34:4 can be our testimony. “I sought the Lord.”  Sought in this verse means “resort to.” Think vacation. You leave and go to a place that revives you. This is what we can do spiritually if we’re  trekking through our day in fear. We can trip off to heaven. We can “resort to” the LORD in our spirit in  prayer. What happened when the psalmist resorted to the Lord? God answered him and delivered him from all his fears.  The word “deliver” means “snatch” in this verse. The Lord snatched him from his fears. He snatched him from a mindset of fear to a mind set on God’s heavenly provisions. Friends, it is a blessing to know that we can resort to the Lord rather than resort to worry. Going to God is the best vacation we can take. 

Heavenly Father, thank You that we can resort to You rather than fear. We love You!  
