Bask in Your Ancestrial SonLight

Do you know who your ancestors are? How far back can you trace your family tree? Being able to trace one’s lineage is important to many and is definitely important in Jewish culture. Jesus’s human lineage can be traced to Israel’s King David. But, Jesus has an even more illustrious lineage as He states in Revelation 22:16. He says, “I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” In other words, His roots go further back than David. They go all the way to creation. Jesus is the bright morning star, heaven’s light. In our often dark and lonely culture, it’s important for us to daily bask in the SonLight. It’s important for us to invite others to join us.
ROOT and DESCENDANT of DAVID, bright morning star, we praise, worship, and love You.
“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” Revelation 22:16