365 Days of Praise
Do You Need a Miracle?

Do you need a miracle? Something extraordinary in your life? What do we mean when we use the word miracle? Webster defines a miracle as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency; just as rising from the grave.” Another definition is “a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences;” such as “it was a miracle that more people hadn’t been killed or injured.” Perhaps it’s that last definition we use most often. “It’ll be a miracle if I can manage everything going on in my life.” Or, “It’ll be a miracle if our marriage makes it.” Let me ask again, “Are you in need of a miracle?” If so, our best hope for experiencing one is to bring Jesus into the equation. Galatians 3:5 describes Jesus as the Miracle Worker.
“So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?”
As we consider Jesus, the Miracle Worker, it’s important to consider the combination of the two words: miracle and work; along with the word “faith.” Our miracle isn’t going to happen with the twitch of our nose as in the 1970’s show “I Dream of Jeannie.” When we study Jesus’ miracles we see they involved energy and power (Luke 8:46), most often required a person taking part in faith (John 5:8-9), and often took place as the person acted in obedience (John 9:6-7). Maybe Jesus is showing us that rather than having a demanding, “God, do it now,” attitude, we should thank Him for how He has already worked in our lives, thank Him that He hears us, and then take the next steps He shows us.
Lord Jesus, thank You for being involved in our lives. You are the MIRACLE WORKER who can help us. Open our ears to Your instructions so we can faithfully follow Your promptings.
Jesus, the Miracle Worker, demonstrated His healing power in John 5 when he told a man who had been ill for 38 years to pick up his pallet, walk, and sin no more. Watch Debbie’s teaching on John 5 HERE or listen to it HERE.

Better Than Mighty Mouse

“The Mighty One, God, the Lord, the Mighty One, God, the Lord!”
God is the Mighty One. He can save you and He alone. Call on Him. Commit Psalm 119:147 to heart,
“I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Your words.”
Heavenly Father, help us be mindful that You are the MIGHTY ONE who saves us no matter the dire situation. Help us confidently wait for Your words to guide us through each situation.
Do you have a friend or family member you would like to introduce to Jesus? Share this link with them: “Meet Jesus…Experience His Grace.”
Not Just Any Man

Jesus came to earth as a baby so He might grow into a man, but not just any man. He came from heaven as our Messiah.
Andrew heard John the Baptist announce that Jesus was the Lamb of God who had come to take away the sins of the world. Andrew followed Jesus and after spending time with Him, he told his brother, Simon Peter, “We have found the Messiah,” John 1:41.
Andrew was intentional about his search for the Messiah and after finding Him, he was intentional about telling others. In what ways can we be more intentional about sharing Christ with others? We can begin by praying for the unsaved to turn to Christ. I label the last column in the Week at a Glance section of Prayers of My Heart: “Unsaved.” What can we pray for those who do not know Christ as Messiah? Here are 8 suggestions.
Jesus Christ, MESSIAH, You are love, forgiveness, hope, peace, and joy! Help us be as Andrew – intentional about following You and telling others about You.
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From the Cave to Light

Have you ever explored a black cave with only a dim flashlight? Some time ago, I had the opportunity to walk two miles in a black cave. Did I say opportunity? It was only because I knew my time in the cave was temporary. Had I thought I couldn’t return to the outdoors and light I would have gone mad. Is that what hell is? Trapped in what Colossians 1:13 describes as a “domain of darkness”? Jesus Christ is Light. The beauty of heaven reflects His nature. Close your eyes and picture an eternity of despairing people screaming for release from Satan’s dark domain. Now open them and praise Jesus, whom Malachi refers to as “the messenger of the covenant,” Malachi 3:1.
“‘The Lord, whom you are seeking, will suddenly come to His temple; and the messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight, behold, He is coming,’ says the Lord of armies. ”
Having been in the cave has made me mindful of how important it is to live a celebratory life. Why? There are people who don’t know Jesus, the messenger of the covenant, and that He can save them from the black torment of eternal damnation. We have the opportunity to celebrate our present-day and eternity. We have reason to celebrate Christ’s Light in our hearts. Are we a bright or dim reflection of Christ to the unsaved?
Lord Jesus Christ, MESSENGER OF THE COVENANT, thank You for transferring us from the domain of darkness to the Kingdom of Light! Help us be mindful and joyful about our freedom and take every opportunity to shine brightly and point others to You.
Jesus is referred to as the Light several times in the Gospel of John. To learn more about Jesus as the true Light of the world, watch or listen to Debbie’s teachings on the book of John HERE and HERE. Free listening guides are also included!
Quick Question

Heavenly Father, thank You for the MERCY You show us every day. Fill us with Your Spirit of mercy toward others.
Would you like an organized way to record you prayers and praises? Grab a copy of the Prayers of My Heart prayer journal.
Not a Zapper

Are you ever concerned that Christ is sitting in heaven eyeing your sin and his holy face is twisted in disgruntlement? In other words, you’re an inch from being zapped as a result of your sin? If so, today is a good day to rethink your view of Jesus.
Paul, a candidate for being “zapped” before he became a Christ-follower, tells us what Jesus is like. “I, Paul, myself urge you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ—” 2 Corinthians 10:1. When Paul refers to Christ as meek, he uses a word that means “mildness of disposition and gentleness of spirit.” In other words, Christ isn’t a cloud-sitting Savior watching for someone He can zap if they take a wrong turn in life. Paul realizes Jesus could have zapped him dead on the Damascus Road, but rather, Christ in mercy called and commissioned Paul to a new purposeful life.
Our Savior is all-powerful, but He has a meek disposition toward us, not a “zap you if you mess up” disposition. He understands what it’s like to be human, to struggle, to deal with daily life, problems, and stress. Relish your Savior’s meekness. Talk to Him. Read His wisdom truths in the Sermon on the Mount and keep reading through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Meditate on the precious words He brought us from heaven. They’re food for a sound mind and a steady course until we reach our ultimate destiny – heaven.
Lord Jesus, thank You for being on our side. Thank You for looking at us with eyes of gentle MEEKNESS. We love You and are ever grateful for You.
Happy Fourth of July! As you enjoy the fireworks this July 4th , think beyond them to the Creator of the night sky and the true light of the world. Help spread the light and truth of Christ by encouraging someone you know to subscribe to 365 Days of Praise.

God is Not a Flavor

In 1953, Baskin Robbins wowed ice cream lovers by offering customers a choice of 31 flavors. That’s a great offer for ice cream, but unfortunately, our world has adopted a “31” viewpoint concerning salvation. In other words, we’ve decided we can be reconciled to God through the plan of our choice, be it self-improvement, doing good things, or a world religion of our choosing. But not so warns God throughout Scripture such as in 1 Timothy 2:5:
“There is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”
If we think we can make a Baskin Robbin choice of how we’re reconciled to God, we’re wrong. Dead wrong. God has warned us that the only way we can be reconciled to Him is through His Son. Christ Jesus is the one mediator who can reconcile us to God for eternity. Tell others!
Christ Jesus, we praise You, our MEDIATOR, for making peace between Your Father and our Father.
Do you ever wonder if we’re in the end times? Would you like to learn more about the signs of the end times? Grab a copy of Debbie’s Bible study, End Times: What You Should Know, What You Can Do HERE. Access the free accompanying videos and podcasts HERE.
Who Are You Waving Your Hand For?

We like our freedom, right? We may have heard someone tout, “No one is going to tell me what to do!” Maybe we’ve said that. But, here’s some news that may shock you. God has the right to tell us what to do because He owns us. That’s right. He is our Master as Colossians 4:1 explains: “Masters, grant to your slaves justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a Master in heaven,” Yes, we have a Master. Does that please you or cause your hair to bristle? What is the implication of you having a Master?
The word, “Master” in Colossians 4:1 means “owner; one who has control of the person.” Maybe we’ve never thought about God owning us, but it isn’t a one-time teaching in the Bible. First Corinthians 6:20 explains we’ve been “bought with a price.” Romans 6:16 says we are slaves to sin or righteousness. Who do you prefer to be your master: satan or Jesus? I bet you’re waving your hand for Jesus.
Let’s think further. Since Jesus is our Master, what should be our posture before Him? I wonder if we’re too flippant about our relationship with Him. I wonder if when we get to heaven and see Jesus in His glory if we’ll wish we had bowed before Him every morning and asked how we might serve Him. We have a Master in heaven. He’s a glorious, giving, gracious Master. Let’s serve Him well today with a smile on our face.
Heavenly MASTER, we worship and adore You and cannot wait to continue our worship of You in heaven. Remind us throughout our day to serve You well.
Stay connected with Debbie beyond the blog! Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Moping or Marvelous Minded

I want to pause today. We’re more than halfway through our 365 days of praising God. Thank you for joining me on this journey to better know our Heavenly Father and Jesus. The reason it thrills me to admire a different facet of God each day is that He wants us to know Him. The Bible is God’s love letter in which He reveals Himself. Think of it this way. Online dating has become quite popular. People share online about themselves, their favorite books, sports, music, movies, places to visit, and restaurants. They share their religious and political views. In the Bible, God puts Himself out there and says, “I want you to know Me.” He provides a progressive revelation of Himself from Genesis to Revelation. Today, we’re meditating on how the Bible describes God as marvelous. What’s marvelous about our Lord?
- His works are marvelous. Revelation 15:3 says, “And they *sang the song of Moses, the bond-servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, ‘Great and marvelous are Your works, O Lord God, the Almighty; Righteous and true are Your ways, King of the nations!’”
Think. In what way do you recognize God marvelously working in your life or in the life of someone close to you? Praise Him for it.
- His lovingkindness is marvelous. The psalmist writes, “Blessed be the LORD, for He has made marvelous His lovingkindness to me in a besieged city.” Psalm 31:21. In this verse, marvelous means “wonderful, surpassing, extraordinary, separate by distinguishing action.”
Think. In what way can you personally testify to the fact that God’s lovingkindness is “wonderful, surpassing, extraordinary, separate by distinguishing action”?
- His salvation is marvelous. In Matthew 21:42, Jesus asks, “‘Did you never read in the Scriptures, ‘THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE CHIEF CORNER stone; THIS CAME ABOUT FROM THE LORD, AND IT IS MARVELOUS IN OUR EYES?'” Jesus said God’s plan for saving sinners is marvelous, which means “worthy of pious admiration, admirable, excellent, passing human comprehension, causing amazement joined with terror, extraordinary, striking, surprising.”
Think of God’s marvelous plan for saving you and praise Him.
- His light is Marvelous. First Peter 2:9, a favorite verse of mine because it defines the believer’s purpose states, “But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” We are to tell others of the excellencies of Christ and share the good news that they can live in His excellent, extraordinary, striking, surprising light.
Think. In what way are you fulfilling your divine purpose?
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, You are MARVELOUS in Your work, love, kindness, salvation, and light. We celebrate, worship, and thank You!
Friends, our Lord’s works, lovingkindness, salvation, and light is marvelous – extraordinary and amazing. Spend time praising Him. Write out one of the above verses in the “Meditation, Notes, and Prayers” section of your Prayers of My Heart. Turn to the verse and meditate on it when you are moping rather than marvelous minded. Let His marvelous light do its transforming work.
It’s Not Always Happy

In Christian circles, we often speak of the joy of the Lord, and rightly so. Jesus tells us to pray in His name to our Heavenly Father so that our joy will be made full. We share Christ’s joy when we use the gifts He’s given us. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. That doesn’t mean, however, that every day will be free of sorrow or we’ll be on a joy ride to heaven. Far from it.
I remember when Philippians 3:7-10 became my life verses. I prayed, “Lord, I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection!” I was changed after that prayer. The Holy Spirit filled me and I read the Bible with new eyes. I had an intimacy with and passion for Christ that I’d not before experienced. But I’ll tell you a little secret. I stopped my prayer before the end of verse 10. I did my own edit of applying the Bible to my life. Philippians 3:10 says, “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.” I did not pray “and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.” I saw the end of the verse. I read it. But I didn’t pray it. I had no desire to know Christ’s sufferings. Years later, after the Lord let me know Him more fully by studying His divine attributes and experiencing His power in ways beyond my power, it was time for me to experience the “fellowship of His sufferings.” It hurt. It was not fun. I cried. I journaled Scriptures. And, my intimacy deepened with the Lord in a way it could not have had I not gone through that time and other times since then.
Isaiah 53:3 states about Jesus, “He was despised and forsaken of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief…” If you are going through a time of sorrow or grief, that doesn’t mean something is necessarily wrong with or in you. Of course, if it’s due to sin that is another subject that the Bible addresses and has guidance concerning. But if you are staying the course with Jesus and are suffering in some way, this is when you can get up close to Him, curl up in His arms, read the Bible with fresh eyes, and discover that He’ll see you through the suffering.
Jesus, MAN OF SORROWS, thank You for being here for us when we are going through hard, sorrowful times. Deepen our fellowship with You.
Have you ordered a copy of Debbie’s newly published book, From My Heart, Poems of Faith? Within the pages, Debbie beautifully records her thoughts and prayers through the following sections: “Prayers to the Father,” “Poems of Faith,” and “Poems to Encourage.” As you read through each poem, you’ll find words of hope, comfort, and encouragement that deeply resonate with your heart. Get a copy HERE.