Dark World, Radiant God

Are you concerned with how our world seems to be getting darker? Religious persecution, disease, abuse, lawlessness, moral decline, and political conflicts contribute to anxiety and depression. In the midst of discouraging days, what can believers do? We can keep our eyes on Jesus, who Hebrews 1:3 describes as the radiance of God’s glory. The word “radiance” is only used 5 times in the Bible and in each of those, refers to God. Commentator Vines defines God’s “radiance” as “shining forth, of a light coming from a luminous body.” Isn’t that exciting? Even when things around us are dark, God isn’t. One sweet, glorious day, we’ll join those who are living in God’s radiance. We’ll fall on our knees overwhelmed by what our eyes see. The day is coming when we go to Jesus or when He returns through the clouds. Keep watching and living for Him!
Lord God, our hearts are overwhelmed when we read the testimonies of those who have glimpsed Your radiance. We praise You now and forever.
“And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature,…” Hebrews 1:3