Which Star Are You Following?

Curious and apprehensive about who was scheduled to perform for a halftime show since some past stars had been inappropriate, I did a quick search. Watching a few minutes of one of his music videos, I was relieved that his performance appeared to be family friendly. 

Today, there are many influential stars. They have fans who follow their every move, who believe what they say or write, and imitate how they dress and what they do. When they perform, their producers shine bright lights on them. 

Thank goodness, there is another star, more famous than anyone. His influence is positive and remains long after other stars have come and burned out. His name is Jesus Christ and in Revelation 22:16, He announces, “I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” 

Jesus is the bright morning star who outshines all others. He is the star on whom we are to set our gaze. He is the star we are to follow. His voice is the one we should listen to so often that we know His verses by heart and we hum them through the day. 

So when you watch earthly stars rise and fall, be assured that Jesus, the Bright Morning Star, will shine brightly forever. 

Jesus, BRIGHT MORNING STAR, there is no one more glorious than You. 

Turn your gaze to the Bright and Morning Star by spending more time in His Word. Explore our Bible studies to guide you. You can purchase printed studies from our shop HERE, or access our free online Bible studies by clicking HERE.



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