Do You Have a Problem

Do you have a problem? Are you in a quandary about what to do about something in your life? Have you talked to Jesus about it? Proverbs 3:19 tells us that He is a God of intelligence, skill, and insight, proven by the creation of the earth and heavens.
The LORD by wisdom founded the earth, By understanding, He established the heavens.
The Hebrew word for understanding in this verse means “intelligence, skill, and insight.” In other words, when we look at the earth and heavens, we’re seeing the evidence of God’s intelligence, skill, and insight. Trust God to provide you with the wisdom, intelligence, skill, and insight you need for daily life, decisions, and relationships. Pray. Listen to His still quiet voice. Walk by God’s Words and Spirit.
Jesus, we praise You that You are a God of UNDERSTANDING and we can look to You for skill and insight.