Dusty Cookies

Did you know cookies could get dusty? Years ago, in the process of dusting a table, I realized the uncovered cookies on the table must also be dusty. Throwing them away, I realized how I can sometimes be like those cookies. I may appear fine, but Jesus sees the dusty sins in my life. Is Jesus concerned about dusty sins we carry about that are invisible to others? Yes. When Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, His concern wasn’t the grime between their toes. It was the sin that separates us from Holy God. Christ’s concern was for us to be washed of our sin so we can appear before God holy and unashamed. If you’ve never repented of your sin and confessed Jesus as Lord, do so today. You’ll find a prayer of repentance at debbietaylorwilliams.com/meet-jesus. If you’re a Christian, ask forgiveness for sin that affects your fellowship with and usefulness to God.