Feast Your Eyes On This Crown

Throughout time, people have sat on thrones and worn diadems. Some leaders have worn their crowns well and brought honor to their people. Others have brought shame. The latter was the case with the chief tribe of the Northern Kingdom of Israel at the time of Isaiah, the prophet.
In Isaiah 28:5, he contrasted the leaders who wore crowns of shame with the LORD Jehovah, saying, “In that day the LORD of hosts will be for a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty to the remnant of His people.”
Herbert Lockyer expounds on the LORD being a crown of beauty. 1
“What a charming combination Isaiah gives us of Jehovah renowned for His luster and loveliness. A “crown of glory” is fitting for Him who is the “King of Glory,” and whose righteousness is “radiant with excess of glory” (2 Corinthians 3:9-11). In the crown, there sparkles His excellence, worth, sovereignty and glory. Truly, He is incomparable! In Jesus’ intercessory prayer, Jesus prayed that His God-given glory might adorn our lives (John 17:22).”
In our society where leaders are not always honorable, how wonderful that our king, the Lord God, is a CROWN of BEAUTY.
Lord Jesus, crown of glory, DIADEM of BEAUTY, we worship You.
1 Copyright Herbert Lockyer, “All the Divine Names and Titles in the Bible,” page 80, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1975.
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