I Need Jesus

I need Jesus and Jesus just like He is. Why? Well, first of all, I need someone who can stand before holy God on my behalf and represent me. Only Jesus can do that. On a daily basis I need Jesus to forgive me, cleanse me, and stand me up – strengthened to walk out my day by His Spirit. I need Jesus to guide and prompt me when I start to veer off course. I need His love and encouragement. I NEED JESUS. Hebrews 4:15 tells us,
“We do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.
Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Can I hear a hallelujah, friend? Can you imagine with me what it would be like to be accountable to a heavenly being – a high priest who didn’t sympathize with us and our weaknesses? Yikes! But our sweet and mighty Savior does. Oh, praise Him! We can say, “I messed up! I sinned! I failed.” And He doesn’t condemn us and make us feel worse. Yes, we should grabble with our sin and think about how, when, where, why we fell for a temptation or were deceived. With every mis-step, we have a God-step opportunity. With bowed head and heart, we can confess our sin to our sympathetic High Priest, accept His mercy, hear His voice, “Go and sin no more.” We can walk more wisely into our day. Jesus loves you and doesn’t want you wallowing in your sin. If you’ve been avoiding your High Priest because you feel so bad about your sin, go to Him! He loves you and is waiting, child of God.
NOTE to Moms: (Or anyone who has a mom or knows a mom.) Hey Mom, we can sometimes (or often) feel like a failure. God knows how many times we fail and cry out to Him for forgiveness, strength, “overs,” wisdom, protection for our children, and that they will come to know Him as Savior and Lord. If you can relate, I encourage you to get my book, “The Plan A Mom in a Plan B World.” (Different book from The Plan A WOMAN in a Plan B World) I had mom friends of all ages/stages share personal stories that will encourage you and provide practical/spiritual tips. The discussion questions at the end of each chapter make it a great resource for mom groups, also. $7.49 Mother’s Day special.
We praise You, Lord Jesus, HIGH, and LIFTED UP, greatly exalted. We can’t wait to see You face to face!
PS: If you aren’t getting my monthly Kidz Time devotional activity for your kids to watch, get it here and spread the word. It’s free. It’s fun! Subscribe & it’ll be delivered to your inbox monthly. A great Saturday morning or rest time activity.