End Times Quick Links & Thank You!

Hi Friends!

Thank you for joining me for End Times: What You Should Know, What You Can Do

Here is the complete set of 5 End Times Videos on YouTube.  Please subscribe to my channel so you’ll be notified of new videos on this and other subjects.  Click playlists to see what other content I have on YouTube that might interest you.  Also, if you “like” the videos, it encourages others to take a look at them. Who knows who might come to salvation through your influence.

Since this was my first online study to do, I’d appreciate your thoughts. You can reply to this email and let me know what you gained through the study as well as any suggestions.

NOW WHAT?  JOIN ME for a 4-week study on JONAH beginning Wednesday, April 6. If you live in the Texas hill country, join me in person. If not, the videos will be available on YouTube. Another reason to subscribe. 🙂  Learn more:  JONAH I’m thrilled about teaching this study. It’s a timely follow-up to our End Times study!

Thank you, friends. You’re a blessing!  See you for JONAH.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus!



Quick Links: 

Prayers of My Heart

The Salvation of Your Soul

Assurance of Salvation Verses



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