OnStar to the Rescue

Have you ever locked your keys in the car? Several years ago after driving my daughter and her sick son to the doctor and returning home, I went into the house only to hear Lauren call from the garage, “Mom! You locked Logan in the car!” Rushing to the garage, I peered into my car and saw my keys and sleeping grandson. “Don’t wake him,” I urged Lauren while trying to find OnStar’s number. After explaining what happened, I heard the words I longed for. “Ma’am, step back from your car while I unlock it.” Then, the car unlocked and Lauren retrieved her sleeping baby. OnStar. An entity that is invisible to my eye heard my voice and responded to my call for help. God. Invisible to our eye hears our voices and responds to our calls for help. Step back. Call on Him. Learn more about ways to call on God in my book, “Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion.”