Pray to be Open Lipped

Which are you? Tight lipped or open lipped? In other words, are you reluctant to speak and don’t reveal much about what’s going on inside of you? Or, are you more open lipped and let what you’re thinking and feeling readily come forth? No doubt James 1:19 tells us to be quick to listen and slow to speak when we’re angry. But what about in relation to praising God? In this case we are to be like the psalmist, who prayed in Psalm 51:15:
O LORD, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.
Are we grateful? Are our hearts flooded with God’s goodness? I hope so. Even when there seems to be nothing for which we can praise Him, we can open our lips and praise Him for His presence with us, His provision for us, and His purposes He will bring forth.
Develop a mindset of gratefulness. Fill your heart with praise. Open your mouth and let your praise flow to God. Pray, “LORD, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.”
LORD, thank You for who You are and for all the incredible ways You have worked in our lives, are working, and will work. You are worthy of our praise day and night. OPEN OUR LIPS so we declare Your praise.
Record your daily praises in Prayers of My Heart journal.
Do you want to praise God, but don’t know how? If so, HERE’s help.