Resolution Revolution

Do you make New Year resolutions? Or, have you stopped making them; knowing that you won’t keep them? Are resolutions a good thing or a bad thing? They’re a good thing if coupled with a plan and a tool. For instance, in the Old Testament, God told Moses to build a tabernacle. Then, God gave him the plan. Perhaps you’ve resolved to develop a more consistent and meaningful prayer time with God rather than drop the ball or say the same prayers. If so, Prayers of My Heart journal is your tool to carry out your resolve. Three writing sections offer you inspiration and direction. Begin each day by recording 3 things for which you’re thankful. Then, move to the next section and pray for the people whose names you’ve recorded at the top of each column. Lastly, turn to the final section and write out the verse provided at top of the page to help you hide God’s Word in your heart. Resolve with a plan. You’re on your way to a deeper prayer life and relationship with Jesus.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You make all things new, including us. Help us follow through with our resolve to deepen our prayer life and walk with You. Thank You for new beginnings and the opportunity to grow.