2 Tips for Replacing Stress with Rest

I heard it in her voice…
even though I was just reading her email. She had a deadline. She was short-handed. Shoulders tensed, she wondered how she could get her kids from school, swing by the hospital, and still meet her 5 p.m. deadline.
Can you relate, if not to her situation, to a time when you’ve felt pressure and been stressed? If so, consider adopting the following two tips to find rest in stress.
Tip 1: Knock Off 2 Culprits
If you look at the word “stress,” there are two “s”s we can eliminate. Remove the first and last “s” in “stress” and “tres” remains. By rearranging “tres,” we find “rest.” Now wasn’t that easy? But, in real life, nothing is that easy. And, besides, what were those two “s”’s we knocked off?
Number 1 Culprit “S” – Self
The first “s” in “stress” to knock off in order to find “rest” is “self.” We think we have to do it, whatever it is, by ourself. We feel alone, powerless, spent, depleted, hopeless.
Number 2 Culprit “S” – Service
The second “s” to remove is excess “service.” We put stress on ourselves by thinking we have to do everything for everyone. If someone asks, we go into action figuring out how we can rearrange our day and week to accommodate first this person and then another. Being others centered rather than self-centered is good. But it’s not godly when others, rather than God, direct our lives.
Tip 2: Rearrange “Tres” into “Rest.”
After eliminating the excess “s’s” in stress, we’re left with “tres.” We can arrange more than the letters to arrive at “rest.”
R – Right Perspective. Matthew 28:20
In life there are times we’re stressed because we feel alone. No one can do what we have to do. But if we’re a Christian, we’re not alone. Jesus said He would never leave us. The Holy Spirit is an abiding presence. Our access to our Heavenly Father is open. We don’t have to do “it” alone.
E – Enjoy Moments. Psalm 105:4-5
If we want to experience rest instead of stress, we must take time to enjoy moments. Step outside. Look at the budding trees. Look up at the heavens. Appreciate God’s handiwork. Listen to the birds.
S – Sit with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Psalm 62:1-2
If we don’t sit with our Heavenly Father every day we’re doomed for stress. Life will keep us busy, distracted, and negative. But when we open our Bibles and pray, we enter into God’s rest. His Word fills our mind with truth. His Spirit guides us.
T – Trust God’s timing and that He’s working all things together for good. Romans 8:28
We either believe God is sovereign or we don’t. We either pray and trust Him or we don’t. Trust is where the water hits the wheel. It’s critical if we want to experience physical, emotional, and soul rest.
The Rest of Easter
When we have the right perspective, enjoy moments, sit with the Father, and trust Him, we find rest. And, by adding “A” and “E” to rest, we find EASTER. Yes, the resurrection life of Christ isn’t bunny rabbits. It is Christ in us, living out His life every day. So with joy, I wish you a blessed Resurrection Sunday; with the reminder to arrange the letters of your life with care.
Heavenly Father, You are good and faithful. May we rest in Your goodness and live the Resurrection life to which You call us.
“Trust is where the water hits the wheel. It’s critical to our experiencing rest in the midst of this world.” Tweet This
Hi Debbie. I love the story about your mom “tricking ” all of you. What a precious lady. Our family was with our mom when she passed and it was a “bitter blessing”, if you understood. She was struggling so much, but yet we did not want to let her go. She was our rock. We were selfish. I always love to see your sweet, kind face. Jesus and love radiates from your whole being. I am so glad I have been able to meet you and look forward to attending some of your retreats. God bless you. I love your website.