Acts 28
If You’re Under Attack

Do you feel under fire by a barrage of personal, financial, physical, spiritual, or other attacks? Have you attempted to shield yourself or your loved ones with your own efforts or things other than the Lord? Although your efforts may be well intentioned, the Lord is the ultimate, impenetrable shield. Any shield other than the Lord will fail to protect the mind, emotions, and hearts of you or your loved ones.[1]
Jesus hasn’t left you alone to suffer through life’s trials by yourself. You can cover yourself with His love and truth.[2] You can call to your Heavenly Father, who David describes in Psalm 3:3 as a shield about him. You can put on the spiritual armor that He’s given you so that you can resist evil and stand firm (Ephesians 6:13).
If your shield of faith is down, take it and hold it up. You can do this by taking “up” your Bible and taking God “up” on His Word. Soak your mind and heart in His Word and let it speak to and strengthen your soul (Psalm 119:97-98, 110-111, 114). [3]
Lord, thank You for being a SHIELD about me. Help me stay under the protection of Your divine armor and Word.
Want to learn more about living a victorious Christian life? Watch Debbie’s teaching on Acts 28: The 7 Characteristics of People Who Are More than Conquerors.