Alive Forevermore
Take Comfort Knowing Jesus Is Alive in Heaven

Have you ever been startled to see someone you didn’t expect? My husband has startled me and I assure you, I jumped. Considering how we may have been startled by a person we didn’t expect, can you imagine how startling it was for the disciple John to unexpectedly see Jesus in heaven? John was on the island of Patmos when he was suddenly taken to heaven and saw Christ. What was his response? He fell at Jesus’ feet like a dead man. Revelation 1:18 records what Jesus said to John,
“I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore…”
John had seen Jesus die on the cross and be buried. He had seen the resurrected Christ. He had seen Jesus ascend in the clouds into heaven. But to see Jesus alive in heaven and hear Jesus explain He is alive forevermore had to be startling. If your today looks unbearable and you dread tomorrow, don’t. A day of glorious eternal life awaits you, believer. You will see Jesus.
Lord Jesus, I praise You. Thank You for dying for me so I can be ALIVE FOREVERMORE with You.
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Take Comfort Knowing Jesus Is Alive in Heaven & Sees You

Have you ever been startled to see someone you didn’t expect? There have been a number of times that my husband has startled me and I assure you, I jumped. Considering how we may have been startled by someone we didn’t expect, can you imagine how startling it was for the disciple John to unexpectedly see the ascended Lord Jesus in heaven? John was on the island of Patmos when he was suddenly taken into Christ’s presence. What was his response? He fell at Jesus’s feet like a dead man. Revelation 1:18 records what Jesus said to John,
I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore,…”
John had seen Christ crucified and buried. He had seen the resurrected Christ. He had seen Jesus ascend in the clouds into heaven. But to Jesus alive in heaven and to hear Jesus explaining that He is alive forevermore had to be more startling than we can imagine. If your today looks unbearable and you dread tomorrow, don’t. A day of glorious eternal LIFE awaits you in the presence of Jesus. In the meantime and while we are still on earth, find comfort knowing that Jesus is alive in heaven. Find comfort knowing that He knew where John was and He knows where you are. Find comfort knowing that Jesus is mindful of you, just like He was John. Believe.
LORD JESUS CHRIST, we praise You, who died for us, are alive forevermore, and are mindful of where we are.
Someone is Mindful of You

Have you ever been startled to see someone you didn’t expect? There have been a number of times that my husband has startled me and I assure you, I jumped. Considering how we may have been startled by someone we didn’t expect, can you imagine what it was like for the disciple John to unexpectedly see the ascended Lord Jesus in heaven? John was on the island of Patmos when he was suddenly taken into Christ’s presence. What was his response? He fell at Jesus’s feet like a dead man. Revelation 1:18 records what Jesus said to John, “I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore,…” John had seen Jesus whipped, crucified, and buried. You don’t get “deader” than that. But now, John testifies that he saw Jesus “ALIVE!” If your today looks unbearable and you dread tomorrow, don’t. A glorious day of eternal LIFE awaits you in the presence of Jesus, who is alive forever. In the meantime and while we are still on earth, Jesus is alive and His eye is on you. He knows your name and where you are just like He did with John. He also has purpose for your life, just like He did with John. Believe.
LORD JESUS CHRIST, we praise You, who died for us, are alive forevermore, and are mindful of where we are.
You Don’t Get Deader than That

Have you ever been startled to see someone you didn’t expect? There have been a number of times that my husband has startled me and I assure you, I jumped. Considering how we may have been startled by someone we didn’t expect, can you imagine what it was like for John the disciple to unexpectedly see Jesus in heaven? John was on the island of Patmos when he was suddenly taken into Christ’s presence. What was his response? He fell at Jesus’s feet like a dead man. Revelation 1:18 records Jesus said to John, “I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore,…” John had seen Jesus whipped, crucified, and buried. You don’t get “deader” than that. But now, John testifies he saw Jesus “ALIVE!” If your today looks unbearable and you dread tomorrow, don’t. A glorious day of eternal LIFE awaits you in the presence of Jesus, who is alive forever.
LORD JESUS CHRIST, we praise You, who died for us, but are now ALIVE FOREVER!
Good News! Jesus isn’t Dead. He’s ALIVE FOREVER
“I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore,…”
Astonished. That might best describe how John felt. He’d walked with Jesus; then seen Him crucified. “Dead,” he would have replied if we’d asked him about Jesus the day following His burial. But now, John’s answer is, “ALIVE!” If today looks unbearable and you dread tomorrow, don’t. A day of glorious eternal LIFE awaits you in the presence of Christ who is alive forever.
LORD JESUS CHRIST, we praise You, who died for us, but are now ALIVE FOREVER!
“I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore,…”
Revelation 1:18
Astonished. That might best describe how John felt. He had walked with Jesus during Christ’s ministry on earth. “Messiah, that’s who Jesus is,” John might have replied had we asked who him who Jesus was. But then, John witnessed Jesus crucifixion. “Dead,” would have been his reply. However, if we had questioned John about Jesus three days later, no doubt we would have heard an incredulous shout of praise, “Resurrected!” Days later, after watching Christ rise into the clouds, John would have announced to us that the Son of God had “Ascended!” Ever growing in his understanding of Jesus, John is now given a heavenly vision in which Jesus announces “I was dead, and behold, I am ALIVE FOREVERMORE! In our world of friends and family dying, isn’t it comforting to know that He who is alive forevermore promises life eternal to us, too?
LORD JESUS CHRIST, I praise You, my Savior, who died for me, but is now ALIVE FOREVERMORE!
Debbie Taylor Williams. Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to forward or share this material provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge a fee for it. Any exception to the above must be approved by Debbie Taylor Williams. Please include on any web posting or printed distribution: © Debbie Taylor Williams, Thank you.