Coping With Hard Times
A Perfect Storm

During the Covid pandemic in 2020, many schools closed. People lost their jobs or worked from home. Close quarters, high emotions, and worries about the future created the perfect storm for cross words, blame, and anger.
Trying times like a pandemic are not the only times storms can brew. How wisely do we relate to one another during those times? Do we withhold or give forgiveness? Do we confess when we have been wrong and attempt to make things right? First John 1:9 provides important spiritual guidance about what we are to do when we have sinned. John writes, “If we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
God is faithful and righteous. He calls us to be faithful and righteous, also. We are to confess our sins. When we do, He extends mercy and forgives us. We are then to extend mercy and forgive others.
How can we do this? We ask Jesus to fill us and live His life through us. When we do, the storm that might have destroyed relationships becomes an opportunity for those closest to us to see Jesus – maybe for the first time or in a new way.
Lord Jesus, thank You that You are with us in the storms of life. Thank You that You are a FORGIVING GOD. Thank You for showing us how to forgive others. Fill us. Live Your life through us so others see and believe in You.
Are you a wife and mom looking to strengthen your relationships with your husband and children? Check out Dear Wife and The Plan A Mom in a Plan B World in our shop.
Who Is for You?

Which team are you for?” “Which candidate are you for?” We often talk about who we’re for. But have you ever thought about who is for you? Perhaps you’re blessed with a friend or family member who is for you. But what if you aren’t? What if you fight your daily battles alone? What if there is no one who stands with you and encourages you?
God has an important message for us in Romans 8:31. “What then shall we say to these things? If God is For Us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over For Us all…”
GOD is FOR YOU. Not only is He not against you, the fact that He’s for us is amazing. Say it out loud with emphasis. “God is for me. God is for me.”
God is for us saving our souls. God is for us rescuing us from the domain of darkness. Jesus is for us preparing a place in heaven. Jesus is for us, sitting at the right hand of God interceding for us. God the Father and Son are so for us that Jesus took our place on the cross.
The next time you’re tempted to feel sorry for yourself or Satan whispers, “you’re doing life all alone,” answer back loud and clear. “God is with me and FOR ME.” Then, tell someone who does not have a relationship with Jesus what it means to you to have God for you.
Heavenly Father, precious Savior, thank You for being FOR US. We praise You, thank You, and pray our lives reflect our gratitude.
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