
Do You Need a Miracle


Do you need a miracle? Something extraordinary in your life? What do we mean when we use the word miracle? Webster defines miracle as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency; just as rising from the grave.” Another definition is “a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences;” such as “it was a miracle that more people hadn’t been killed or injured.” Perhaps it’s that last definition we use most often. “It’ll be a miracle if I can manage everything going on in my life.” Or, “It’ll be a miracle if our marriage makes it.” Let me ask again, “Are you in need of a miracle?” If so, our best hope for experiencing one is to bring Jesus into the equation. Galatians 3:5 describes Jesus as the MIRACLE WORKER.

So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and WORKS MIRACLES among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?

As we consider Jesus, the Miracle Worker, it’s important to consider the combination of the two words: miracle and work; along with the word “faith.”  Our miracle isn’t going to happen with the twitch of our nose as in the 1970’s show “I Dream of Jeannie.” When we study Jesus’s miracles we see they involved energy and power (Luke 8:46), most often required a person taking part in faith (John 5:8-9), and often took place as the person acted in obedience (John 9:6-7). Maybe Jesus is showing us that rather than having a demanding, “God, do it now,” attitude, we should thank Him for how He has already worked in our lives, thank Him that He hears us, and then take the next steps He shows us.

Lord Jesus, thank You for being involved in our lives. You are the MIRACLE WORKER who can help us. Open our ears to Your instructions so we can faithfully follow Your promptings. 

Where is Our Faith in God’s Commands


We talk about it. We sing about it. But, how much of it do we have? What am I talking about? Faith. We place our faith in the person of Jesus Christ and that He substituted His body on the cross in place of ours. We stand at a distance and say, “Whew! That’s great. I didn’t have to go through the scourging and crucifixion. Thank You, Jesus. I believe.” But when God says to exercise our faith in regard to cutting off our sin we say, “No way. Can’t do.” He says to exercise our faith and forgive as He forgives us and we say, “Not gonna do it.”  He says to lay aside our old self and put on the new self-made in the image of Christ Jesus, and we march on through our day as if we didn’t hear Him. If we really had faith that God “calls into being that which doesn’t exist,” as Romans 4:17 states, then we would obey His commands, trusting that they lead to the promised abundant life. So the question is, where is our faith…in us or in Jesus? Here’s another question – how can we exercise our faith today by obeying a command that doesn’t come naturally for us?

Lord Jesus, You CALL INTO BEING THAT WHICH DOESN’T EXIST. Open our eyes today to one of Your teachings that we’re not following. Call into being our obedience as we purposefully place our faith in You. 


Yes or No? When God Doesn’t Answer Our Prayers the Way We Want


I have a question for you. Is it true that whatever we ask in prayer, believing, we will receive? Yes or no? _____ What is your Scripture reference? If you said yes and provided Matthew 21:22 as your source, then why didn’t God answer Jesus’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane? Certainly, Jesus asked in prayer, believing. On a more personal level, why doesn’t God answer the prayers of the faithful to heal their dying loved one? I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I do know that it is important for us to take the whole counsel of God rather than “cherry pick” verses. In the context of prayer, Jesus has already taught His disciples important, foundational principles of prayer in “The Lord’s Prayer.” We have a Father in heaven who alone is holy. He has a kingdom and will. Twice in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus referenced God’s kingdom – at the beginning and end of the prayer. It was clearly on His mind and a central part of His teaching on prayer. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus echoed Matthew 6:10, “Your will be done,” even while He allowed us to hear His “Son of Man” desire to avoid suffering, shame, and separation. As disciples of Christ it is critical for us to study and know the whole counsel of God. In the context of today’s question, we must remember Christ’s foundational teaching on prayer – praying God’s will. First John 5:14-15 is helpful. “This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.” Can you trust your life and loved ones to God’s will?

Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for not only teaching us how to pray but for also modeling it. We love and adore You. Help us be wise stewards of Your word by our words and life. 

Prayer of My Heart – where I record my prayers and my Heavenly Father’s responses. Available on Amazon. 


Do You Need a Miracle


Do you need a miracle? Something extraordinary in your life? What do we mean when we use the word miracle? Webster defines miracle first and foremost as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency; just as rising from the grave.” Another definition is “a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences;” such as “it was a miracle that more people hadn’t been killed or injured.” Perhaps it’s that last definition we use most often. “It’ll be a miracle if I can manage everything going on in my life.” Or, “It’ll be a miracle if my child can get off drugs.” Or, “It’ll be a miracle if our marriage makes it.” Let me ask again, “Are you in need of a miracle?” If so, our best hope for experiencing one is to bring Jesus into the equation. Galatians 3:5 describes Jesus as the MIRACLE WORKER. “So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and WORKS MIRACLES among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?” As we consider Jesus, the Miracle Worker, it’s important to consider the combination of the two words: miracle and work; along with the word “faith.”  Our miracle isn’t going to happen with the twitch of our nose as in the 1970’s show “I Dream of Jeannie.” If we study Jesus’s miracles, we see they involved energy and power (Luke 8:46), most often required a person taking part in faith (John 5:8-9), and often took place as the person acted in obedience (John 9:6-7). Maybe Jesus is showing us that rather than demanding, “God, do it now,” we should thank Him for how He has already worked in our lives, thank Him that He hears us, and then take the steps He shows us.

Lord Jesus, thank You for being involved in our lives. You are the MIRACLE WORKER who can help us. Open our ears to Your instructions so we can faithfully follow Your promptings. 

Where is Our Faith in God’s Commands


We talk about it. We sing about it. But, how much of it do we have? What am I talking about? Faith. We place our faith in the person of Jesus Christ and that He substituted His body on the cross in place of ours. We stand at a distance and say, “Whew! That’s great. I didn’t have to go through the scourging and crucifixion. Thank You, Jesus. I believe.” But when God says to exercise our faith in regard to cutting off our sin we say, “No way. Can’t do.” He says to exercise our faith and forgive as He forgive us and we say, “No way. Not gonna do.”  He says to lay aside our old self and put on the new self-made in the image of Christ Jesus, and we stand there with folded arms. If we really had faith that God “calls into being that which doesn’t exist,” as Romans 4:17 states, then we would obey His commands, trusting that they lead to the promised abundant life. So the question is, where is our faith?

Lord Jesus, You CALL INTO BEING THAT WHICH DOES NOT EXIST. Where is our faith in your daily commands? 



Do You Need a Miracle


Do you need a miracle? Something extraordinary in your life? What do we mean when we use the word miracle? Webster’s defines miracle first and foremost as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency; just as rising from the grave.” Another definition is “a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences;” such as “it was a miracle that more people hadn’t been killed or injured.” Perhaps it’s that last definition we use most often. “It’ll be a miracle if I can manage everything going on in my life.” Or, “It’ll be a miracle if my child can get off drugs.” Or, “It’ll be a miracle if our marriage makes it.” Let me ask again, “Are you in need of a miracle?” If so, our best bet for experiencing one is to bring Jesus into the equation. Galatians 3:5 describes Him as the MIRACLE WORKER. “So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and WORKS MIRACLES among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?” As we consider Jesus, the Miracle Worker, it’s important to consider the combination of the two words: miracle and work; along with the word “faith.”  Our miracle isn’t going to happen with the twitch of our nose as the 1970’s show “I Dream of Jeannie” depicted. If we study Jesus’s miracles, we see they involved energy and power (Luke 8:46), most often required a person taking part in faith (John 5:8-9), and often took place as the person acted in obedience (John 9:6-7). Maybe Jesus is showing us that rather than demanding, “God, do it now,” we should thank Him for how He has already worked in our lives and faithfully take the steps He shows us.

Lord Jesus, thank You for being involved in our lives. You are the only One, the MIRACLE WORKER, who can help us. Open our ears to Your instructions and our hearts to faithfully follow Your promptings. 


We’re committed to walking side by side with you and interceding for you. In addition to Prayers of My Heart JOURNAL being a place for you to record your prayers and how God is answering them, you’ll soon have a place on our website to let us know your prayer needs. You can post your prayer request anonymously or give a first or last name. Regardless, you’ll know a member of our Prayer Team is joining you in taking your prayer request to our Heavenly Father.

Where is Our Faith in God’s Commands



We talk about it. We sing about it. But, how much of it do we have? What am I talking about? Faith. We place our faith in the person of Jesus Christ; that He substituted His body on the cross in place of ours. We stand at a distance and say, “Whew! That’s great. I didn’t have to go through the scourging and crucifixion. Thank You, Jesus. I believe.” But, then, when God says to exercise our faith in the next thing, we back down. He says cut off your sin. We say no. He says forgive. We say no way. He says lay aside your old self. Put on the new self made in the image of Christ Jesus, and we stand there with our arms folded. If we really had faith that God “calls into being that which doesn’t exist,” as Romans 4:17 states, then we would obey His commands trusting that they lead to the promised abundant life. So the question is, where is our faith?

Lord Jesus, You CALL INTO BEING THAT WHICH DOES NOT EXIST. Where is our faith in your daily commands? 


Praise to the MIRACLE WORKER


“So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and WORKS MIRACLES among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?”

Have you ever wished for a miracle? Jesus was and still is a MIRACLE WORKER. But consider the combination of the two words: miracle and work.  Perhaps we think of a miracle as happening with the twitch of the nose as in the 1970’s show “I Dream of Jeannie.” However, Jesus’s life indicates that His miracles weren’t effortless. They took energy and power. (Luke 8:46) They sometimes required the other person taking part in faith. (John 5:8-9) They took place as the person was acting in obedience. (John 9:6-7) Rather than prayerfully demanding, “God, do it now,” perhaps we should pour forth thanks for the ways He has already worked in our lives. Perhaps, we should open our hearts to hear and obey what He tells us to do.

Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for being actively engaged in our lives. You are a MIRACLE WORKER. Open our eyes to Your miracles. Open our ears to Your instructions. Open our hearts to respond in faith. 


We’re committed to walking side by side with you as we join hearts to increase our knowledge of who God is. We’re also committed to interceding for one another. That’s why Prayers of My Heart JOURNAL is  important. It’s a tool to help us remember those for whom we should pray and to celebrate with gratitude the ways God is working in our lives and those for whom we pray. Journal 1 time a week, 1 time a month, or every day. It’s up to you. Here’s What Others Are Saying about Prayers of My Heart. Order today so your journal will arrive before I begin our new free Prayer Podcast series. Or, pick up a journal at our ministry office-Hill Country Ministries. Please call first, 830-257-5995 or 830-377-2704, to make sure we’re not away from the office.

Praise to the King of the Nations


Great and marvelous are Your works, O Lord God, the Almighty;

Righteous and true are Your ways,

King of the nations” (Revelation 15:3).

Have you ever received a call from a loved one or friend and been told, “I just prayed to receive Christ”? I recall one particular time when this happened to me. Tears of joy rolled down my cheeks.

Today, I appeal to you to consider that God gave John a glimpse of heaven so he could tell us that it’s real; so each one of us can respond to God’s gift of salvation. The best visual I know to explain how we will one day be raised following our death is to consider a bulb such as a tulip. The bulb looks dead. Human hands bury it in the ground. But, God created life within the bulb and it rises to a new life in a changed form.

Every person will die. But, our burial doesn’t mean we will no longer live. God created us with a soul that lives after the body dies. Every soul goes before God.

In Revelation in a scene in heaven, God lets us know that He is the King of the nations; putting to end the belief that it doesn’t matter who you worship as long as you worship something/someone. It does matter. It matters for your soul.

The soul of the person who rejected God’s gift of salvation through Jesus will appear before God; just as the soul of the person who received God’s gift of salvation will appear before Him. God will honor each person’s response to His gift of salvation. The soul who rejected His gift of life with Him will live eternally apart from Him. The soul of the person who by faith received God’s gift of forgiveness through Jesus will live eternally with Him. And, if anyone thinks they’ll get a second chance after they die, the Bible clearly explains that is not true.

God’s offer of eternal life with Him through the forgiveness of sins is clear:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son; that whoever believes in Him will not die, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

“If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

“Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed” (Romans 10:11).


If you’ve never repented of your sins and called on the name of Jesus for forgiveness, would you now?

Lord, God, KING OF THE NATIONS, I call on You to save me. I know I’ve sinned. I ask You to forgive me through Jesus’s death on the cross on my behalf. Heavenly Father, please send Your Holy Spirit into my soul and cleanse me. Take away my sins and seal me for eternity with You in heaven. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.  

If you prayed this prayer, God cleaned your soul of your sins and sent His Holy Spirit into it. You can now begin to know your Heavenly Father in a new and special way. You’ll discover that Jesus is God, but also your friend. And, the Holy Spirit is your helper. I want to help you grow in your understanding. Email or call me. I’ll send you my Bible study, Discovering His Passion. Subscribe to this free daily post so you can grow in your understanding of who God is. I’m happy and excited for you. Yes, my eyes are filled with tears of joy for you.

“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave Him up for us all—how will he not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:32
