Hebrews 1:3
Hold the God of Eternity
“I wonder what God is like.” Have you ever had that thought? If so, you have your answer in Jesus. Look at the Son and you’ll know what the Father is like. Read Jesus’s words and you’ll hear God’s voice. Study Christ’s teachings and you’ll know what God wants of and for you. Jesus is the “spitting image” of His Daddy” as Hebrews 1:3 explains. “He (Jesus) is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature,” Grasp onto Christ and you’ll be holding onto the God of eternity.”
Christ Jesus, we look at You and see and hear our Heavenly Father… His love, grace, wisdom, and glory. We praise You, Lord.
Dear friends, we missed Giving Tuesday in the midst of date changes. However, your gift to help fund our ongoing costs and ministry during this time is valuable and deeply appreciated. Whether God has connected us through our 365 Days of Praise, Beyond Ourselves podcasts, Bible studies, or conferences, we have one heart – to spread the Word and Love of Jesus. Thank you for remembering us with your tax deductible donation of any amount.
Instagram is reaching people in innovative ways. We’re dedicated to using it as a platform for Christ. “Kidz Time” video devotional activities are our latest project that will help moms teach their children about Jesus’s love and Word.
People listen to the radio in their cars and homes. Our 60-second UpLIFT Radio devotionals encourage and inspire listeners with Biblical truth and God’s love.
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Dark World, Radiant God
Are you concerned with how our world seems to be getting darker? Religious persecution, disease, abuse, terrorists at home and abroad, moral decline, and political shenanigans contribute to the anxiety and depression we may feel. In the midst of discouraging days, what can believers do? We can keep our eyes on Jesus, who Hebrews 1:3 describes as the radiance of God’s glory. The word “radiance” is only used 5 times in the Bible and in each of those, refers to God. Commentator Vines defines God’s “radiance” as “shining forth, of a light coming from a luminous body.” Isn’t that exciting? Even when things around us are dark, God isn’t. One sweet, glorious day, we’ll join those who have glimpsed God’s radiance. We’ll fall on our faces as they did; overwhelmed by what our eyes see. The day is coming when we go to Jesus or when He returns through the clouds. Keep watching and living for Him!
Heavenly Father, our hearts are overwhelmed as we read the accounts of those who have had glimpses of You. We can’t imagine what it will be like to see Your glory. We praise You now and forever.
“And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature,…” Hebrews 1:3
September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked three planes and flew them into the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C., killing everyone on board the planes and nearly 3,000 people on the ground. A fourth plane crashed into a Pennsylvania field, killing all on board, after passengers and crew heroically attempted to take control from the hijackers. Evil reigned in the hands of the terrorists that day. But evil didn’t ultimately win. Christ Jesus overcame death. All who place their faith in Christ will live eternally in His glorious presence. We remember with gratefulness our loved ones and friends who sacrificed their lives for our nation. We remember with gratefulness the Lord Jesus who sacrificed His life for the purification of our souls.
Lord Jesus, who made PURIFICATION OF OUR SINS we love and praise You. Thank You for the ultimate sacrifice of Your life to make us pure as You are pure.
“When He had made PURIFICATION of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,”
Dark World, Radiant God
NEWS! 6 WK Online BIBLE STUDY (means we can study & discuss here) begins 9/18. FIND OUT MORE
HAPPENING NOW: I’M IN Las Vegas, leading my P.R.A.Y. with Passion Conference. It’s been almost a year since Stephen Paddock opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers in Las Vegas; killing 58 people and injuring 851 in the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in the US. PLEASE PRAY for an outpouring of GOD’S SPIRIT, for healing, recommitments, salvations, and safety. THANK YOU.
Are you concerned with how our world seems to be getting darker? Religious persecution, disease, abuse, terrorists at home and abroad, moral decline, and political shenanigans contribute to the anxiety and depression we may feel. In the midst of discouraging days, what can believers do? We can keep our eyes on Jesus, who Hebrews 1:3 describes as the radiance of God’s glory. The word “radiance” is only used 5 times in the Bible and in each of those, refers to God. Commentator Vines defines God’s “radiance” as “shining forth, of a light coming from a luminous body.” Isn’t that exciting? Even when things around us are dark, God isn’t. One sweet, glorious day, we’ll join those who have glimpsed God’s radiance. We’ll fall on our faces as they did; overwhelmed by what our eyes see. The day is coming when we go to Jesus or when He returns through the clouds. Keep watching and living for Him!
Heavenly Father, our hearts are overwhelmed as we read the accounts of those who have had glimpses of You. We can’t imagine what it will be like to see Your glory. We praise You now and forever.
“And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature,…” Hebrews 1:3
September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked three planes and flew them into the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C., killing everyone on board the planes and nearly 3,000 people on the ground. A fourth plane crashed into a Pennsylvania field, killing all on board, after passengers and crew heroically attempted to take control from the hijackers. Evil reigned in the hands of the terrorists that day. But evil didn’t ultimately win. Christ Jesus has reigned over death and sin. All who place their faith in Christ are purified through Christ’s sacrifice of His life and live eternally in His presence. We remember with gratefulness our loved ones and friends who sacrificed their lives for our nation. We remember with gratefulness, the Lord Jesus who sacrificed His life for the purification of our souls.
Lord Jesus, who made PURIFICATION OF OUR SINS we love and praise You. Thank You for the ultimate sacrifice of Your life to make us pure as You are pure.
“When He had made PURIFICATION of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,” Hebrews 1:3
Jesus! the EXACT REPRESENTATION of God’s Nature
“He (Jesus) is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature,”
“I wonder what God is like.” Have you ever had that thought? If so, you have your answer in Jesus. Look at the Son and you’ll know what the Father is like. Why? Because Jesus is the “spitting image” of His Daddy. Or, as Scholar William Barclay explains, “Jesus is the shining of God’s glory among men.” He is the stamped image of God.
Christ Jesus, we look at You and see our Heavenly Father… and all His love, grace, and glory. We praise You, Lord.
FIND MORE encouragement HERE.
Praise to the Radiance of God’s Glory
“And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature,…”
This has always been one of my favorite ways Jesus is described: the radiance of God’s glory!
The word “radiance” is only used 5 times in 5 verses in 3 books of the Bible. In each of those, it refers to God. The writers have a glimpse of God and reach for words to describe His brilliance and the light illuminating from Him. He is light, so He’s described as brightness. Commentator Vines defines God’s “radiance” as “shining forth, of a light coming from a luminous body.”
Bless yourself and read Ezekiel’s attempt to describe God: Ezekiel 1:27, 28. Habakkuk 3:4, 11 are the other two places where God’s radiance are mentioned. Then, we read what the writer to the Hebrews said; that Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory. Christ reflects God. He glows with Him. He can’t help it. He is God. He’s His Father’s Son…masked in a human body; just waiting to get out at His resurrection and ascension. But Jesus stayed in His earthen body until He accomplished what He and His Father wanted Him to do. He redeemed us. And one sweet, glorious day, we’ll join Ezekiel and every other person who has had a glimpse of God’s radiance. We’ll fall on our faces as they did; overwhelmed by what our eyes sees. That day is coming because Jesus is returning through the clouds soon and very soon.
Heavenly Father, our hearts are overwhelmed as we read the accounts of those who have had glimpses of You. We can’t imagine what it will be like to see Your glory. We praise You now and forever.
“When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high” (Hebrews 1:3).
Have you ever longed to be pure? What would that look like? What would that feel like? One who is not pure cannot make another pure. But One who is pure can purify us. Oh, what a great and glorious work our Savior has done. He has purified us of our sins!
Lord Jesus, our PURIFIER, we love, adore, and praise You!
*Debbie Taylor Williams. Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to forward or share this material provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge a fee for it. Any exception to the above must be approved by Debbie Taylor Williams. Please include on any web posting or printed distribution: © Debbie Taylor Williams, www.debbietaylorwilliams.com. Thank you.