Isaiah 30:30
Do You Hear Him?

Have you ever done a study on the voice of God? It’s fascinating! In Isaiah 30:30, we’re told the following about God’s voice: “And the Lord will cause His voice of authority to be heard.” The literal translation is “voice of majesty.”
How does God speak to us? He speaks through His majestic creation that He is glorious and that He is a God of order with an unlimited imagination. God’s voice speaks to us through the Bible, the wisest, most beautifully written work of all time. God speaks to us through Christ letting us know that He is sacrificial, loving, and forgiving. God’s voice speaks to us in our innermost being warning us of the dangers of sin and calling us to walk in His ways. Yes, God’s voice goes forth. He calls to us but sometimes the busyness of the day drowns out His voice.
How can we make sure we don’t miss hearing God calling to us? We can purposefully choose to slip out of our beds in the mornings and quietly meet with Him – just the two of us – so we can hear Him without interruptions. We return throughout the day to think about Him and listen for His promptings. His voice encourages us in our weariness. His voice comforts us when we repent of sin. His voice instructs us, “Take this course of action…” If we take God seriously, write down His instructions, and follow through on what He tells us, we discover He calls to us and instructs us even more. Are we listening? Are we obeying? Are we experiencing the blessed life of intimacy with the Almighty?
VOICE OF AUTHORITY, VOICE OF MAJESTY, thank You for speaking to us. Tune our hearts and minds to recognize Your voice and obey You.
Would you like to become better equipped to discern God’s voice? Listen to this free podcast teaching: Listen UP! 31 Points Every Christian Should Know About the Holy Spirit. As you learn to recognize and listen to God’s voice, record what He speaks to you in the Prayers of My Heart prayer journal.
Do You Hear Him

Have you ever done a study on the voice of God? It’s fascinating! In Isaiah 30:30, we’re told the following about God’s voice.
And the Lord will cause His VOICE OF AUTHORITY to be heard.
The literal translation is “VOICE OF MAJESTY.” How does God speak to us? He speaks through His majestic creation that He is glorious and that He is a God of order with unlimited imagination. God’s voice speaks to us through the Bible, the wisest, most beautifully written work of all time. God speaks to us through Christ letting us know that He is sacrificial, loving, and forgiving. God’s voice speaks to us in our innermost being warning us of the dangers of sin and calling to us to walk in His ways. Yes, God’s voice goes forth. He calls to us but sometimes the busyness of the day drowns out His voice. How can we make sure we don’t miss hearing God calling to us? We purposefully choose to slip out of our beds in the mornings and quietly meet with Him – just the two of us – so we can hear Him without interruptions. We return throughout the day to think on Him and listen for His promptings. His voice encourages us in our weariness. His voice comforts us that we repent of sin. His voice instructs us, “Take this course of action…” If we take God seriously, write down His instructions, and follow through on what He tells us, we discover He calls to us and instructs even more. Are we listening? Are we obeying? Are we experiencing the blessed life of intimacy with the Almighty?
Voice of Authority, Voice of Majesty, thank You for speaking to us. Tune our hearts and minds to recognize Your voice and obey You.
Start 2022 journaling your prayers, praises, and God’s instructions in Prayers of My Heart.
Do You Hear Him

Have you ever done a study on the voice of God? Isaiah 30:30 says, “And the Lord will cause His VOICE OF AUTHORITY to be heard.” The literal translation is “VOICE OF MAJESTY.” How does God speak to us? He speaks through His majestic creation that He is glorious and that He is a God of order and unlimited imagination. God’s voice speaks to us through the Bible, the wisest, and beautifully written work of all time. God speaks to us through Christ that He is sacrificial, loving, and forgiving. God’s voice speaks to us through our innermost thoughts warning us of the danger of sin and calling us to walk in His ways. God’s voice calls to us but the noise of the world often drowns Him out. However, if we willingly, purposefully choose to slip out of our beds in the mornings and quietly meet with Him – just the two of us – we hear Him. He speaks. His voice encourages our weary souls. His voice comforts us that although we’ve sinned, He forgives us. His voice encourages us that we can start again. His voice whispers, “Take this course of action…” If we take Him seriously, write down His counsel, and follow through on what He tells us, we discover He whispers even more to us. Are we listening?
Voice of Authority, Voice of Majesty, thank You for speaking to us. Tune our hearts and minds to recognize Your voice and rejoice in You.
Start 2021 journaling your prayers and praises and God’s words of direction to you in Prayers of My Heart.
Do You Hear Him

Have you ever done a study on the voice of God? Isaiah 30:30 says, “And the Lord will cause His VOICE OF AUTHORITY to be heard.” The literal translation is “VOICE OF MAJESTY.” How does God speak to us? He speaks through His majestic creation that He is glorious and that He is a God of order and unlimited imagination. God’s voice speaks to us through the Bible, the most wise and beautifully written work of all time. God speaks to us through Christ that He is sacrificial, loving, and forgiving. God’s voice speaks to us through our innermost thoughts warning us of the danger of sin and calling us to walk in His ways. God’s voice calls to us but the noise of the world often drowns Him out. However, if we willingly, purposefully choose to slip out of our beds in the mornings and quietly meet with Him – just the two of us – we hear Him. He speaks. His voice encourages our weary souls. His voice comforts us that although we’ve sinned, He forgives us. His voice encourages us that we can start again. His voice whispers, “Take this course of action…” If we take Him seriously, write down His counsel, and follow through on what He tells us, we discover He whispers even more to us. Are we listening?
Do you know someone who is deaf? If so, please share the good news of Christ with them. Free Resources for the Deaf. ASL Interpreted “Listen UP” Conference on DVD. ASL Interpreted “P.R.A.Y. with Passion” Conference on DVD.
Voice of Authority, Voice of Majesty, thank You for speaking to us. Tune our hearts and minds to recognize Your voice and rejoice in You.
Do You Hear Him
Have you ever done a study on the “voice” of God? In Isaiah 30:30, the literal translation is “VOICE OF MAJESTY.” How does God speaks to us? He speaks through His majestic creation that He is glorious and a God of order and unlimited imagination. God’s voice goes out to us through the Bible, the most wise and beautifully written work of all time. God speaks to us in Christ, that He is sacrificial and loving; willing to forgive us and reconcile us. God’s voice calls to us in our innermost thoughts warning us of the danger of straying into sin and calling us to walk the path of righteousness. God’s voice calls to our hearts, but the noise of the world often drowns Him out. But, if we willingly, purposefully choose to slip out of our beds in the mornings and quietly meet with Him – just the two of us, we hear Him. He speaks. His voice encourages our weary souls. His voice comforts us that although we’ve sinned, He forgives us. His voice encourages us that we can start again. His voice whispers, “Take this course of action…” And, if we take His words seriously and even write down and follow through on what He tells us, we find He whispers more. Isaiah 30:30 says, “And the Lord will cause His VOICE OF AUTHORITY to be heard.” Are we listening?
Voice of Authority, Voice of Majesty, let us hear You. We trust in You.
Praise to God’s VOICE of AUTHORITY
“And the Lord will cause His VOICE OF AUTHORITY to be heard,”
Have you ever done a study on the “voice” of God? In Isaiah 30:30, the literal translation is “VOICE OF MAJESTY.”
Although He speaks to us through the majesty of His creation, some turn from Him and worship what He’s created rather than Him. God’s voice calls to us through the Bible. Yet, we often shut our ears to His Word.
His voice calls to our hearts, but the noise of the world drowns Him out.
But when we slip out of our beds … and quietly meet with Him – just the two of us…
He speaks. His voice encourages our weary souls. His voice comforts us that although we’ve sinned, He forgives us. His voice encourages us that we can start again. His voice whispers, “Do this…” And, if we take His words seriously and even write down and do what He tells us, He whispers more.
And we hear His voice of majesty and AUTHORITY and we praise Him. His voice – the one for which our souls yearn.
Voice of Authority, Voice of Majesty, let us hear You in the morning, for we trust in You.
“And the Lord will cause His voice of authority to be heard,”
Isaiah 30:30
Many ignore God’s voice. Although He speaks to us through the majesty of His creation, some turn from Him and applaud mother nature. He speaks to us through the Bible. Yet, many tune Him out. They leave their Bible on a shelf and never meditate on God’s wisdom. God’s voice goes out through His Spirit. He convicts us of sin. Yet, we often tune Him out and justify our behavior. But one day, God’s voice of authority will go forth and HE WILL CAUSE HIS VOICE TO BE HEARD. Oh, what a day that will be!
Lord, I praise You that one day Your VOICE OF AUTHORITY will be heard by all!
© Debbie Taylor Williams. Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to forward or share this material provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge a fee for it. Any exception to the above must be approved by Debbie Taylor Williams. Please include on any web posting or printed distribution: © Debbie Taylor Williams, Thank you.