John 8:12
Praise to Jesus, Light of the World

On April 8, 2024, millions of people witnessed the rare total solar eclipse. People watched in awe through their solar eclipse glasses as the moon passed in front of the sun, blocking the sun’s light and casting a shadow on the Earth. This extraordinary event gave observers a small glimpse into what life would be like without the light of the sun.
Just as the sun illuminates darkness and provides light to the earth, Jesus provides spiritual light to the world. We’re reminded of this in John 8:12: “Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.’”
Although the sun may be dimmed by solar eclipses and clouds, Jesus is constantly brilliant and will one day be the source of Light by which we live for eternity. No doubt, when Jesus announced He was the Light of the World, He must have sounded braggadocios to His listeners. How could a carpenter from Nazareth claim to be the Light of the world? Yet, Jesus made the claim, and He is who He says.
Jesus came from heaven bringing truth that enlightens every man who will receive Him. Invite Jesus into your heart and live in His brilliance for eternity.
Lord Jesus, You are the LIGHT OF THE WORLD and our Light. We give You honor and praise!
Want to learn more about Jesus being the Light of the World? Debbie addresses this topic in her teaching on John 8. Watch it HERE.
Christmas LIGHTS
“Then Jesus spoke to them saying, ‘I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.’” John 8:12,
“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
During the Christmas season, many of us enjoy decorating our homes with outdoor lights. Their glow provides light on overcast days and when night falls. Lights beacon family and friends to the warmth of our homes. Even so, Christ, the Light of the World, beacons us to His presence. He lights the way to His Father’s home. As do lights, candles add warmth to our homes. Their warm glow reminds us of the Holy Spirit who warms our hearts and enlightens us in God’s ways. Fragrant candles are a reminder that we are to be a fragrance of Christ to others.
Sweet friends, you are the light and fragrance of Christ to others. Beacon them well to His presence.
Copyright, “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams

What do you do on the Fourth of July? Do you like watching fireworks light up the night sky? There’s something about the brilliance of light bursting across the darkness. As we celebrate our nation’s declaration of independence from the British Empire, what a good time to also celebrate the believer’s declaration of independence from Satan’s empire. What a wonderful reminder that Jesus is the Light of the World. The fireworks we watch are a flash in the darkness. Jesus is constantly brilliant and will one day be the source of Light by which we live for eternity. No doubt, when Jesus announced He was the Light of the World, He must have sounded braggadocios to His listeners. How could a carpenter from Nazareth claim to be the LIGHT of the WORLD? Yet, Jesus made the claim, and He is who He says He is. Jesus came from heaven bringing truth that enlightens every person who will hear and believe. Fireworks come and go. Invite Jesus into your heart and live with His brilliance for eternity.
Lord Jesus, You are the LIGHT OF THE WORLD and our LIGHT. We give You honor and praise!
“Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the LIGHT of the WORLD; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.’” John 8:12
Praise to Jesus, Light of the World
“Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life'” (John 8:12).
What do you do on the Fourth of July? Do you like watching fireworks light up the night sky? There’s something about the brilliance of spectacular light bursting across the darkness. As we celebrate our nation’s declaration of independence from the British Empire, what a good time to also celebrate the believer’s declaration of independence from Satan’s empire. What a wonderful reminder that Jesus is the Light of the World.
The fireworks we watch are a flash in the darkness. Jesus is constantly brilliant and will one day be the source of Light by which we live for eternity. No doubt, when Jesus announced He was the Light of the World, He must have sounded braggadocios to His listeners. How could a carpenter from Nazareth claim to be the Light of the world? Yet, Jesus made the claim, and He is who He says. Jesus came from heaven bringing truth that enlightens every man who will receive Him. Fireworks come and go. Invite Jesus into your heart and live with His brilliance for eternity.
Lord Jesus, You are the LIGHT OF THE WORLD and our Light. We give You honor and praise!
Are you in a dark spot? It happens. We can go through life and see our way clearly. Then, something happens. We can’t see our way forward. Our eyes are blurred. It’s like we have cataracts. We can kind of see, but not as we know we should. Jesus brings light. Bring Him into your situation through prayer. Tell others about Him. He’s not just our light, but the light of the world.
Lord, You are the LIGHT OF THE WORLD and my LIGHT. I praise of You.
*Debbie Taylor Williams. Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to forward or share this material provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge a fee for it. Any exception to the above must be approved by Debbie Taylor Williams. Please include on any web posting or printed distribution: © Debbie Taylor Williams, Thank you.