Show Me that You Love Me

Have you ever wished someone would do more than tell you they love you; they would show you? Romans 5:8 explains that is what God did when He sent Jesus to earth. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
God demonstrated. He showed us His love. In addition, Jesus showed us His love by dying on the cross for our sins so we could live with Him in heaven. John 15:13 explains, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”
If you have ever longed for someone to do more than tell you they love you, that they would show you, then your longing has been met. Your Heavenly Father and Jesus have shown you. They have demonstrated Their love.
Thank You, Almighty Lord, who DEMONSTRATES Your love by saving me. Help me to increasingly demonstrate Your love to others.
Would you like to learn more about how Jesus demonstrated His love for us as well as His command to love one another? Watch Debbie’s teaching on John 13.
Jaw Dropping Love

Have you noticed that hate between people seems to be in the news more than love is in the news? That’s what makes God the Father and Jesus’ love for us so jaw dropping.
Think about it for a minute. Jesus, at age 12, described the temple as the house of His Heavenly Father and in so doing claimed familial intimacy with God. At Jesus’ baptism, His Heavenly Father claimed intimacy with Him, saying, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). “Beloved Son” is a term that means esteemed, dear, favorite Son.
Yes, believers are sons and daughters of God. Yet when we ponder the magnitude of our Heavenly Father’s sacrifice in sending His favorite only begotten Son to die for our sins (John 3:16), and when we think of the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice when He left His Heavenly Father to come to earth to die for us, we can’t help but have profound gratitude and wonder at their love.
Heavenly Father and BELOVED SON, I praise You for Your magnanimous love, grace, and sacrifice. Thank You! I love You.
One of our key verses today is John 3:16. If you’d like to watch all of Debbie’s teaching on John 3 on YouTube, click HERE. To listen to her teaching on Spotify, click HERE.
The Difference in Slow and Fast

Are you hot-tempered or does it take a lot to get you angry? What kind of person would you rather be around – a hot-tempered or patient, loving one? What kind of Heavenly Father do you prefer? One quickly angered by your shortcomings or slow to anger?
If you said you’d rather be in a relationship with a Heavenly Father who is slow to anger and great in love, there’s wonderful news. Psalm 145:8 says, “The Lord is gracious and merciful; slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.” That’s something to thank and praise God for.
Lord, thank You for being SLOW TO ANGER. We love You and thank You for revealing Yourself to us in the Bible. Each of Your character traits encourages us. Our souls are at peace knowing You are an ever-present help.
The Prayers of My Heart prayer journal is a great place to record your thanks to God for all the ways He is revealed in the Bible. It is also a thoughtful and meaningful gift for someone who is going through a hard time. Share with them the benefit of focusing on who God is and because of who He is, the many ways He can help them.
Show Me that You Love Me

Have you ever wished someone would do more than tell you they love you; they would show you? Romans 5:8 explains that is what God did when He sent Jesus to earth. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Then, Jesus SHOWED us how much He loves us dying on the cross for our sins so we could live eternally in heaven. He showed the greatest love, as explained in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, than one lay down his life for his friends.” God the Father and Son proved their love. They DEMONSTRATED their love. If you think you’re unloved, think again! They’ve shown you.
Thank You, Lord, for DEMONSTRATING Your love by saving us. Please help us increasingly demonstrate Your love to others.
Friends, I have you on my heart. Is there some way I can be praying for you?
Jaw Dropping Love

Have you noticed that hate between people seems to be in the news more than love? That’s what makes God the Father and Jesus’s love for us so jaw dropping. Think about it for a minute. Jesus, at age 12, described the temple as the house of His Heavenly Father and in doing so claimed familial intimacy with God. At Jesus’s baptism, His Heavenly Father claimed intimacy with Him, saying,
This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased,” Matthew 3:17.
“Beloved Son” is a term that means esteemed, dear, favorite Son. Yes, we are sons and daughters of God. Yet when we ponder the magnitude of our Heavenly Father’s sacrifice when He sent His favorite Son to die for our sins (John 3:16), and when we think of the magnitude of Jesus’s sacrifice when He left His Heavenly Father to come to earth to die for us, we can’t help but have profound gratitude and wonder at their love for us.
Heavenly Father and Beloved Son, we praise You for Your magnanimous love, grace, and sacrifice so we can live with You in eternal glory. Thank You! Thank You! We love You.
The Difference in Slow and Fast

The Lord is gracious and merciful; SLOW TO ANGER and great in lovingkindness.
Lord, thank You for being SLOW to ANGER. We love You and thank You for revealing Yourself to us in the Bible. Each of Your character traits encourages us. Our souls are at peace knowing You are an ever present help.
Show Me that You Love Me

Have you ever wished someone would do more than tell they love you; they would show you? Romans 5:8 explains that is what God did when He sent Jesus to earth. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Then, Jesus SHOWED us how much He loves us dying on the cross for our sins so we could live eternally in heaven. He showed the greatest love, as explained in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, than one lay down his life for his friends.” God the Father and Son proved their love. They DEMONSTRATED their love. If you think you’re unloved, think again! They’ve shown you.
Thank You, Lord, for DEMONSTRATING Your love by saving us. Please help us increasingly demonstrate Your love to others.
Friends, I have you on my heart. Is there some way I can be praying for you?
Jaw Dropping Love

Have you noticed that hate between people seems to be in the news more than love? That’s what makes God the Father and Jesus’s love for us so jaw dropping. Think about it with me for a minuted. Jesus, at age 12, described the temple as the house of His Heavenly Father and in doing so claimed familial intimacy with God. At Jesus’s baptism, His Heavenly Father claimed intimacy with Him, saying, ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased,” Matthew 3:17. “Beloved Son” is a term that means esteemed, dear, favorite Son. Yes, we are sons and daughters of God. Yet, when we ponder the magnitude of our Heavenly Father’s sacrifice when He sent His favorite Son to die for our sins (John 3:16) and when we think of the magnitude of Jesus’s sacrifice when He left His Heavenly Father to come to earth to die for our sins, we can’t help but have profound gratitude and wonder at their love for us.
Heavenly Father and Beloved Son, we praise You for Your magnanimous love, grace, and sacrifice so we can live with You in eternal glory. Thank You. We love You.
The Difference in Slow and Fast

Lord, thank You for being SLOW to ANGER. We love You and thank You for revealing Yourself to us in the Bible. Each of Your character traits encourages us. Our souls are at peace knowing You are an ever present help.
Show Me that You Love Me

Have you ever wished someone would do more than tell they love you; they would SHOW you? Romans 5:8 explains that is what God did when He sent Jesus to earth. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Then, Jesus SHOWED us how much He loves us dying on the cross for our sins so we could live eternally in heaven. He showed the greatest love, as explained in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, than one lay down his life for his friends.” God the Father and Son proved their love. They DEMONSTRATED their love. If you think you’re unloved, think again! They’ve shown you.
Thank You, Lord, for DEMONSTRATING Your love by saving us. Please help us increasingly demonstrate Your love to others.