Prayers of My Heart Prayer Journal
The Difference in Slow and Fast

Lord, thank You for being SLOW to ANGER. You are a gracious and merciful God. We love You and thank You!
Are You Like Tommy or David?

Jehovah-Ra-ah, we praise You, our Shepherd. In You we lack for nothing. May we set our minds on the things above according to Your Word. Order Prayers of My Heart HERE.
The Difference in Slow and Fast
Lord, we praise You for being SLOW to ANGER. You are a gracious and merciful God. We love You and thank You!
“The Lord is gracious and merciful; SLOW TO ANGER and great in lovingkindness.” Psalm 145:8
Praise to the Most High
Lord, MOST HIGH, give us eyes to see Your hand moving in our lives. Give us grateful hearts.
Praise to the Justifier

“I say, of His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus” (Romans 3:26).
God is just. But, in addition, He is the justifier. What does His revelation of Himself to us explain? That God declares us righteous when we repent of our sins and confess Jesus as Savior and Lord.
If we’re not already lifting our hands in praise of God; that He is both just and justifier, now is a good time to praise Him. “I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name” (Psalm 63:4).
We praise you, God, both just and JUSTIFIER!
I hope you’re getting a copy of Prayers of My Heart so you can join me in daily recording a character trait or name of God each day. It increases our mindfulness when we not only read the way in which God reveals Himself, but we also write it.
Praise to JEHOVAH-Shammah, the Lord is There

“…the name of the city from that day shall be: THE LORD IS THERE.” Hebrew. YHWH Shammah
In our study and praise of the Lord each day, we’re often familiar with the ways in which God is revealed. That may not be the case with Jehovah-Shammah, the LORD is There. What does this name indicate? I looked to Herbert Lockyer’s “All the Divine Names and Titles in the Bible” to explain.
“Ezekiel saw the glory of God, and recorded its departure from the Temple because of Israel’s idolatry and iniquity. He likewise saw judgment upon Jerusalem, and the setting up of the Prince, the second David, as the channel of Israel’s future blessing – the judgements of God and Magog – the setting up of an ideal city with the restoration of the Temple within it. The name of this ideal commonwealth or kingdom is to be Jehovah-Shammah – “The LORED is there” – so called because of the manifest present and power of Jehovah therein.”
Lockyer continues, “Here, then, in this consoling title, the last of Jehovah’s titles, …He designates Himself as the Dweller from beyond space in the millennial city of Jerusalem. In the past, Tabernacle and Temple alike were His dwelling place, but in the future a wider sphere is to be His. During the millennium there will be the Temple and the City. In the New Jerusalem, however, there is no Temple, but the LORD Himself, as Jehovah-Shammah.”
Heavenly Father, we praise You for Your eternal dwelling in our hearts. We look with hope and anticipation to the New Jerusalem and being in the presence of You, Jehovah-Shammah.
Record each of God’s divine names in Prayers of My Heart, available HERE.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
Standing at the grocery store, I noticed the child from the corner of my eye. You couldn’t help but notice. He was throwing a temper tantrum. “I want it!” he wailed at the top of his lungs. The bedraggled mother tried her best to wrestle the package of M & Ms from his hands, while struggling at the same time to apologize the cashier. She didn’t dare look at the customers in line behind her. Tommy “wanted” the M & M’s. That was clear. But, his mother knew full well that her child wasn’t lacking for food.
His temper tantrum wasn’t unfamiliar to me. Although I don’t like to admit it, I’m a lot like Tommy. I may not lay in the floor and kick and scream. But when I get my mind around what I want and I don’t get it, I’m rather like him. I may complain. I may whine in my spirit. I may sulk. I may cry out loud on occasion. What makes me different from Tommy? Height and weight. What makes me different from David? He had a keen grasp on something I often forget – there’s a difference between what I “want” and what I “lack.”
David’s psalm best reads, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack for nothing.” In other words, the Lord fed him, watched over him, led him, protected him. And, David was keenly mindful of his Shepherd’s provision.
Maybe there are times when you’re like me; more aware of what we want than of what we don’t lack. If so, and you want to develop an attitude of gratitude, join me in daily journaling that for which we’re thankful each day. Prayers of My Heart prayer journal is now available and has several places where we can list that for which we’re thankful. I received a early copy from my publisher and in addition to writing PTL for “Praise the Lord” beside answered prayer, I’m also using the Month at A Glance section to daily record that for which I’m grateful. Check out the 7 Benefits of Journaling in the “Look Inside” Welcome. Get a quick glimpse of the other sections where you can record your gratefulness to God HERE. Let’s develop an attitude of gratitude for the Lord, our Shepherd and join David in praising Him, “You are Jehovah-Ra-ah. I lack for nothing.”
“The Lord is gracious and merciful; Slow to anger and GREAT IN LOVINGKINDNESS.”
Many people have never felt that they were the object of someone’s love; and especially of their great love. But if we’re Christians, we must recognize that we are. God showed great lovingkindness toward us in sending Jesus to rescue us from hell. We’re the recipients of God’s GREAT LOVINGKINDNESS. That’s a reason to praise Him!
LORD, we rejoice and praise You who are GREAT in LOVINGKINDNESS! Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your kindness. Thank You for Your GREAT LOVINGKINDNESS!
You can record your thankfulness to God for His GREAT LOVINGKINDNESS in the Meditations, Notes, and Prayers section of Prayers of My Heart.
Praise to the Lord, SLOW TO ANGER
“The Lord is gracious and merciful; SLOW TO ANGER and great in lovingkindness.”
Lord, we praise You for being SLOW to ANGER. You are a gracious and merciful God. We love You and thank You!
Prayers of My Heart is a journal where you can record each of God’s attributes. Leaf through the pages in times of trial or joy and praise Him for all He means to you.
CLICK HERE to connect with Debbie on Facebook for DAILY encouragement in your WALK with GOD.
Use Hindsight for Foresight in 2017

Have you ever goofed really big?
Or done something stupid? Maybe you just weren’t thinking and in hindsight thought to yourself, “What was I thinking?” That happened to me today. I decided to delve into some deep cleaning after having company over the last few weeks and doing lots of cooking. The first thing I tackled was our gas stove. When sudsy water didn’t do the trick, I grabbed the oven cleaner (to use on self-cleaning ovens). I had a twinge of wondering if it was okay to use on gas stoves, but plunged right into the project…in a hurry to check it off my “to do” list.Read more...