Psalm 61:3
A Tower of Strength and Refuge

In this world we will have trouble (John 16:33), but we don’t need to be left battered by the storms of life. We can find reassurance that God is a refuge in times of trouble through David’s words in Psalm 61:3, “For You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy.”
A tower is a high place from which we can look at life and see it from God’s perspective. The spiritual tower of prayer is the place from where we can pray, pour out our hearts to God, intercede for others, and quietly listen for His counsel. If we want to experience God’s best, we can. Our Father is a tower of strength and refuge to whom we can go.
With your face set like flint toward heaven, with your pen in your hand, write words of praise to your Father and intercessions for your family, church, nation, friends, and yes, yourself. The Bible is a journal of God’s interactions with man, of people’s struggles, and of God’s faithful interventions and merciful hands. Let His Word speak to you and impart peace to your soul.
Jesus, TOWER OF STRENGTH AND REFUGE, we praise You. When we don’t know how we can get through the next minute, You are our strength and help. Thank You for all the ways You guard and guide us.
In her teaching on John 16, Debbie touches on Jesus’ words from John 16:33, “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” Watch her teaching on the subject HERE.
Are You Ready for a New Year

Last year innocent people were killed. Covide didn’t go away as hoped. You made it through one storm and another hit. Are you ready for the new year? If so, may I recommend how Psalm 61:3 describes God.
You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy.”
A tower is a high place from which we can look at life and see it from God’s perspective. The spiritual tower of prayer is the place from where we can pray, pour out our heart to God, intercede for others, and quietly listen for His counsel. If we want to experience God’s best next year, we can. Our Father is a tower of strength and refuge to whom we can go. Start the New Year strong…with your face set like flint toward heaven, with your pen in your hand ready to write words of praise to your Father and intercessions for your family, church, nation, friends, and yes, yourself. The Bible is a journal of God’s interactions with man, of people’s struggles, and God’s faithful interventions and merciful hand. Your copy of Prayers of My Heart becomes your journal of God’s interactions with you, of your struggles, and God’s faithful interventions and merciful hand. I encourage you to get a journal. Why? Because it’s a spiritual, emotional, mental game changer. Take a glance at the benefits of journaling. I also have a Quick Start Video on how to get started, a Quick Start Guide, or you can watch my conference Starting Strong with 2020 Vision. Begin the new year with a new approach – journaling with God.
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Jesus, tower of strength and refuge, we praise You. When we don’t know how we can get through the next minute, You help us get through the next year. You are our strength and help. Thank You for all the ways You guarded and guided us this past year. We look to this coming year with joy and hope because of You.
Are You Ready for a New Year

Last year, innocent people were killed. Covide struck suddenly. You made it through one storm and another hit. Are you ready for a new year? If so, may I recommend how Psalm 61:3 describes God. “You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy.” A tower is a high place where we can look at life from God’s perspective, where we pray, pour out our heart to God, intercede for others, and quietly listen for His counsel. If we want to experience God’s best next year, we can. Our Father is a tower of strength and refuge to whom we can go. Start the New Year strong…with your face set like flint toward heaven…with your pen in your hand ready to write words of praise to your Father, intercessions for your family, church, nation, friends, and yes, yourself. The Bible is a journal of God’s interactions with man, of peoples struggles and God’s faithful interventions and merciful hand. Prayers of My Heart is a journal of God’s interactions with you, of your struggles and God’s faithful interventions and merciful hand. I encourage you to get a journal for a donation of any amount. Take a glance at the benefits of journaling here.
Jesus, tower of strength and refuge, we praise You. When we don’t know how we can get through the next minute, You help us get through the next year. You are our strength and help. Thank You for all the ways You guarded and guided us this past year. We look to this coming year with joy and hope because of You.
Are You Ready for a New Year

Last year, innocent people were killed. Illness struck suddenly. You made it through one storm and another hit. Are you ready for a new year? If so, may I recommend how Psalm 61:3 describes God. “You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy.” A tower is a high place where we can look at life from God’s perspective, where we pray, pour out our heart to God, intercede for others, and quietly listen for His counsel. If we want to experience God’s best next year, we can. Our Father is a tower of strength and refuge to whom we can go. Start the New Year Strong. Learn more. Register Today. Also be sure to JOIN my new Prayers of My Heart Facebook Gathering. I’ll be there to personally chat with you.
Jesus, tower of strength and refuge, we praise You. When we don’t know how we can get through the next minute, You help us get through the next year. You are our strength and help. Thank You for all the ways You guarded and guided us this past year. We look to next year with joy and hope because of You.
Terrorists killed innocent people. Illness struck suddenly. Your job is a constant source of worry. Do you ever feel that you get past one storm and another hits? When a flood of sorrow, despair, or enemies surround you, run to the Lord. He is a TOWER OF STRENGTH. He is a place of refuge. You can pray. You can pour out your heart to Him. Then, be still and listen to His counsel. Follow His wise voice.
Lord, we praise You – a TOWER of STRENGTH and REFUGE. When we don’t know how we can get through the next minute, when our heart is aching to the point of death, when there is no one who can console us, when there is no shelter from despair or the enemy, You are there. We find refuge and strength in You.
“For You have been a refuge for me,
A TOWER of STRENGTH against the enemy.”
“For You have been a refuge for me,
A TOWER of STRENGTH against the enemy.”
Terrorists killed innocent people. Illness struck suddenly. Your job is a constant source of worry. Do you ever feel that you get past one storm and another hits? When a flood of sorrow, despair, or enemies surround you, run to the Lord. He is a TOWER OF STRENGTH. He is a place of refuge. You can pray. You can pour out your heart to Him. Then, be still and listen to His counsel. Follow His wise voice.
Lord, we praise You – a TOWER of STRENGTH and REFUGE. When we don’t know how we can get through the next minute, when our heart is aching to the point of death, when there is no one who can console us, when there is no shelter from despair or the enemy, You are there. We find refuge and strength in You.
“For You have been a refuge for me,
A tower of strength against the enemy.”
Psalm 61:3
May 20 the nation cringed in horror when an EF4 tornado carved a 20-mile path through Newcastle, Moore and South Oklahoma City. At least 51 people including 20 children were killed. The devastation and pain indescribable. To whom are family and friends turning? The Lord. Why? He is a refuge. He is a tower of strength. He alone can minister to the deep hurt these mamas and daddies, friends and neighbors are experiencing. And so we pray for Moore.
Lord, we praise You who are a TOWER of STRENGTH and REFUGE. When we don’t know how we can get through the next minute, when our heart is aching to the point of death, when there is no one who can console us, when there is no shelter from despair, You are there. We find refuge and strength in You.
CLICK HERE for additional Scriptures. Prayers of My Heart.