Turbulent Times

Gripping the arms of the airplane seat, the passenger seated next to my sister was visibly scared. Linda encouraged her, then asked, “Do you know Jesus as your Savior?” The pilot had said there might be turbulence. Everyone’s seat belt was on. But the irregular motion of the air seemed to throw the airplane out of control. Passengers felt the strain against their seat belts and watched unsecured objects fall to the floor. No wonder the lady panicked. No wonder people today are also feeling the strain of life and nearing panic in our turbulent world. As the turbulence worsened, the lady on the plane replied to my sister’s question. “I’m a Christian, but I think it’s time to rededicate my life.” Is it also time for you to rededicate your life to Christ? If so, read About Jesus. Take care of your relationship with Jesus today.
Friends, you’re invited to a study of Acts that I’m teaching. Learn more HERE.
SON Glasses

“Look how green everything is,” my husband commented after a light rain. “I know,” I replied, looking around. “Oh, wait, it’s not that green. It’s my sunglasses,” he said, chuckling. As sunglasses tint how we view the world around us, so Songlasses, S O N glasses, tint how we see what is happening around us. Are you worried about the increase in violence? Are you angry about injustices? Is your day dreary? If so, look at life through Christ’s lens. Serve His purposes, mindful of the promise of His return and how He will reward you for what you are doing for His kingdom. Learn about Christ’s return and eternal rewards in my 5 part series: End Times: What You Should Know, What You Can Do.
Friends, you’re invited to a study of Acts that I’m teaching. Learn more HERE.