


“…walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma .”

Ephesians 5:2

Has anyone ever sacrificed anything for you? Have they sacrificed their sleep so you could sleep? Have they sacrificed advancing so you could? Have they sacrificed their plans so you could do yours? Sacrifice. Most of us do not willingly sacrifice. Instead, we look out for number one. But Jesus did the opposite. He sacrificed His life for us. He thought of us, not Himself. He sacrificed His life for you

Jesus, thank You for willing giving up Your plans, Your comfort, Your life for me; for being a SACRIFICE to God on my behalf so that I might live in His pesence one day. 

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“Walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us,

an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”

   Ephesians 5:2

Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. I. I. I. I. I. I want… I want… I want… We probably won’t admit it, but in our innermost being we may be more self-centered than sacrificial centered. Our day may not begin with, “God, what do You want?” Rather, our first thoughts may be on what we want. Have you ever considered doing a 180: a complete turnaround based on Christ’s example? We’re told to “be imitators of God” and to walk in love, just as Christ….who gave Himself up as an offering and sacrifice to God. The result? His life was a fragrant aroma to God.  Why not follow His example? Offer our lives to God to use today in the way He wants. Change Me Me Me Me Me to You, God. You, God. You, God. 

Christ Jesus, You are the ultimate example of being an OFFERING and sacrifice to God. I praise You. 

*We pray you are being blessed by 365 DAYS of PRAISE. If so, please LIKE our ministry page HERE
