
The Door to Heaven and Eternal Life


How would you describe yourself? Would you ever use “door” to describe yourself? I certainly wouldn’t. But Jesus did. In John 10:9, He said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved.” 

Why would Jesus describe Himself as a door? He wants us to know that there is an “outside” of heaven and an “inside” of heaven. Heaven is a place, and we are “outside” until we go “into” heaven through Jesus.  

Make no mistake. Everyone will not live “in” heaven. Only those who enter through Jesus will be in heaven. Our Heavenly Father sends a personal invitation to everyone to enter eternal life in heaven through Jesus who paid our entrance fee by dying on the cross for our sins. Knocking on the door is not required. Repenting of sin and confessing Jesus as Lord is. 

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for being the DOOR through whom I can enter heaven and live eternally. 

Would you like to learn more about Jesus being the door to eternal life in Heaven? Watch Debbie’s teaching on John 10 by clicking HERE.


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The Most Important Word


If you were asked what the most important word in the world is, how would you reply? Would it be love, hope, or peace? Do a search on the topic and you’ll find a variety of answers such as the most important word is a person’s name. Another answer you might find is “thank you,” which is only one word in French.

The Bible has an eternal perspective on this topic. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Bible passages such as  Revelation 19:13 explain the most important Word is Jesus. “His name is called the Word of God.” Acts 4:10-12 warns us there is salvation in no other name except Jesus.

Now that you know the most important Word, why not start up a conversation with someone on the topic? It might lead to an opportunity for you to share Christ and tell them how they can be saved. If the person is already a Christian, but not closely following Christ, it gives you an opportunity to share with them how life and light are found in Jesus. Let’s not keep this Word to ourselves!

Lord Jesus, WORD OF GOD, we love and praise You. Stir the embers in our hearts to be a roaring fire so we can’t help but share You with others. 

One of our key verses today is John 1:1. To watch to all of Debbie’s teaching on John 1, click HERE. To listen to her teaching, click HERE


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Better Than Mighty Mouse

A man kneeling in a field praying with his hand raised
Did you watch the cartoon “Mighty Mouse” when you were a child?  Do you remember the chorus, “Here I come to save the day! That means that Mighty Mouse is on the way!”  When I was young, I was confident Mighty Mouse would save the day no matter the dire situation. Growing older doesn’t mean we no longer need someone to save us and our day. We do. We need someone to save us from sin. We need someone to save us from fear. We need someone to save us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Unlike a cartoon character, the One on whom we call is real. Joshua 22:22 proclaims,

“The Mighty One, God, the Lord, the Mighty One, God, the Lord!”

God is the Mighty One. He can save you and He alone. Call on Him. Commit Psalm 119:147 to heart,

“I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Your words.”

Heavenly Father, help us be mindful that You are the MIGHTY ONE who saves us no matter the dire situation. Help us confidently wait for Your words to guide us through each situation. 

Do you have a friend or family member you would like to introduce to Jesus? Share this link with them: “Meet Jesus…Experience His Grace.”


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Moping or Marvelous Minded


I want to pause today. We’re more than halfway through our 365 days of praising God. Thank you for joining me on this journey to better know our Heavenly Father and Jesus. The reason it thrills me to admire a different facet of God each day is that He wants us to know Him. The Bible is God’s love letter in which He reveals Himself. Think of it this way. Online dating has become quite popular. People share online about themselves, their favorite books, sports, music, movies, places to visit, and restaurants. They share their religious and political views. In the Bible, God puts Himself out there and says, “I want you to know Me.” He provides a progressive revelation of Himself from Genesis to Revelation. Today, we’re meditating on how the Bible describes God as marvelous. What’s marvelous about our Lord?

  • His works are marvelous. Revelation 15:3 says, “And they *sang the song of Moses, the bond-servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, ‘Great and marvelous are Your works, O Lord God, the Almighty; Righteous and true are Your ways, King of the nations!’”

Think. In what way do you recognize God marvelously working in your life or in the life of someone close to you? Praise Him for it.

  • His lovingkindness is marvelous.  The psalmist writes, “Blessed be the LORD, for He has made marvelous His lovingkindness to me in a besieged city.” Psalm 31:21.  In this verse, marvelous means “wonderful, surpassing, extraordinary, separate by distinguishing action.”

Think. In what way can you personally testify to the fact that God’s lovingkindness is “wonderful, surpassing, extraordinary, separate by distinguishing action”?

  • His salvation is marvelous.  In Matthew 21:42, Jesus asks, “‘Did you never read in the Scriptures, ‘THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE CHIEF CORNER stone; THIS CAME ABOUT FROM THE LORD, AND IT IS MARVELOUS IN OUR EYES?'”  Jesus said God’s plan for saving sinners is marvelous, which means “worthy of pious admiration, admirable, excellent, passing human comprehension, causing amazement joined with terror, extraordinary, striking, surprising.”

Think of God’s marvelous plan for saving you and praise Him.

  • His light is Marvelous.  First Peter 2:9, a favorite verse of mine because it defines the believer’s purpose states, “But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”  We are to tell others of the excellencies of Christ and share the good news that they can live in His excellent, extraordinary, striking, surprising light.

Think. In what way are you fulfilling your divine purpose?

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, You are MARVELOUS in Your work, love, kindness, salvation, and light. We celebrate, worship, and thank You!

Friends, our Lord’s works, lovingkindness, salvation, and light is marvelous – extraordinary and amazing.  Spend time praising Him. Write out one of the above verses in the “Meditation, Notes, and Prayers” section of your Prayers of My Heart. Turn to the verse and meditate on it when you are moping rather than marvelous minded. Let His marvelous light do its transforming work.


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Unwrap It!


Gifts! Who doesn’t like to receive a gift?

Presents wrapped with brightly colored paper and bows.

A gift tag with your name on it.

Someone holding a gift and offering, “Take it. I bought it for you.”

As difficult as it may be for us to understand, this is what God the Father and Christ offer us – the gift of salvation. It can only be received, not earned or bought.

Romans 6:23 explains, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Yes, in spite of our sin, the Lord offers us the “free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Did it cost Him? Yes. It cost our Heavenly Father His only begotten Son’s life. It cost Jesus pain, humiliation, suffering, and death.

When we open God’s gift of eternal life the first thing we see is forgiveness, which gives us such joy and freedom. Then we see the gift of His Holy Spirit and are overwhelmed.

Included in the gift of eternal life is heaven, eternity, glory, peace, joy, and so much more!

Each day we realize there’s more of God’s gift to unwrap. The Gift Giver smiles as our eyes light up in joyful praise.

Lord God, thank You for being GIVING and for the incredible GIFT of eternal life. We love and praise You.

Our mission at Hill Country Ministries is to spread the Word and love of Jesus. We want others to know Christ and receive the gift of eternal life. Help us by sharing 365 Days of Praise using the social media icons, below, or by forwarding to a friend through email. You can also help by subscribing to Debbie’s YouTube channel. Having more subscribers allows us to reach more viewers.


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Kidz Time 1 – E


Hi Moms,

I’m super excited you’re here – feeding your child’s soul with Biblical truth they will carry through life!

Here is “E” from Kidz Time 1.

Have fun!  Love, Debbie

Kidz Time 1 Book

“E” Video  & Printable Activity                       

Slide Show          

Memory  Verse  Cards    


See Closed Doors Open


Holding my finger to the gate opener, I edged toward the closed gate. Would it open this time, I wondered? It didn’t. Putting my car in reverse, I backed up and approached the gate a second time. Again, it failed to open. Determined, I gave it the ole “third time is the charm” approach. It worked! Have you been attempting to get through a closed door yet failing? Why not try a different approach? Psalm 145:18 tells us God is near to all who call on Him in truth. Have you called on your Heavenly Father and asked Him how to approach a closed door? Call on God. His door is always open. Then, listen to how He directs you. Act on God’s instruction. Journal God’s answers to your prayers and your praises in Prayers of My Heart, a journal designed with you in mind. 


Pull Aside for Spiritual Emergencies


Driving down the highway, I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw an ambulance with flashing lights speedily approaching.  Pulling over, I noticed all the other cars did the same. It’s the law to pull over for an emergency vehicle. Why is it that we set aside our time and agenda for an earthly emergency vehicle but we don’t for spiritual emergencies? People are dying and going to hell. Christ wants to move through the streets of our cities and reach the unsaved. Will you pull aside from your agenda to join Christ and reach people who are living and dying without hope? Learn how to change the course of our homes and nation by joining me for a study of Acts. Discover how Christians who are yielded to God can alter the course of families, cities, and our nation.
