True Vine
What Are You Uprooting and What Are You Growing?

Some time ago, I noticed a vine growing in my flower bed and didn’t know if it was a weed I should discard or if it was a vine I should keep. I had to make a decision. Uproot it or let it grow. Many today hear spiritual teachings and find themselves like me, yet in relation to a matter of much greater significance. They wonder if they’re hearing a good teaching to which they should hold or a false teaching they should discard.
Jesus doesn’t want us to make the wrong decision. He tells us in John 15:1, “I am the true vine.” Do you know someone who is allowing vines of secular humanism to grow in their heart rather than growing Jesus’ words and teachings? If so, what can you do? Bear Christ, the true vine, and His fruit in your life so they can taste and recognize the real thing.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, the TRUE VINE. Uproot anything in our lives that choke out the fruit of Your presence.
Want to learn more about abiding in Jesus and bearing good fruit? Watch Debbie’s teaching on John 15 by clicking HERE.
What Are You Uprooting and What Are You Growing

Some time ago I noticed a vine growing in my flower bed and didn’t know if it was a weed I should discard or if it was a vine I should keep. I had to make a decision. Uproot it or let it grow? Many today hear spiritual teachings and find themselves like me yet in relation to a matter of much more significance – wondering if they’re hearing a good teaching to which they should hold or a false teaching they should discard. Jesus doesn’t want us to make the wrong decision. He tells us in John 15:1, “I am the true vine.” Do you know someone who is allowing vines of secular humanism to grow in their heart rather than growing Jesus’s words and teachings in their heart? If so, what can you do? Bear Christ, the TRUE VINE, and His fruit in your life so they can taste and recognize the real thing.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, the TRUE VINE. Uproot anything in our lives that choke out the fruit of Your presence.
What Are You Uprooting and What Are You Growing

Some time ago I noticed a vine growing in my flower bed and didn’t know if it was a weed I should discard or if it was a vine I should keep. I had to make a decision. Uproot it or let it grow? Many today hear spiritual teachings and find themselves like me yet in relation to a matter of much more significance – wondering if they’re hearing a good teaching to which they should adhere or a false teaching they should discard. Jesus doesn’t want us to make the wrong decision. He tells us in John 15:1, “I am the true vine.” Do you know someone who is allowing vines of secular humanism to grow in their heart rather than growing Jesus’s words and teachings in their heart? If so, what can you do? Bear Christ, the TRUE VINE, and His fruit in your life so they can taste and recognize the real thing.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, the TRUE VINE. Uproot anything in our lives that choke out the fruit of Your presence.
What Are You Uprooting and What Are You Growing

Some time ago I noticed a vine growing in my flower bed and didn’t know if it was a weed or if it was a vine I had planted. I had to make a decision. Uproot it or let it grow? Many today seek spiritual teachings, but find themselves like me. Is what they’re reading or hearing true? Or, is what they’re hearing simply man’s thoughts? Jesus doesn’t want us to make a wrong decision. He tells us in John 15:1, “I am the true vine.” Do you know someone who is allowing vines of secular humanism to grow in their heart rather than growing Jesus’s words and teachings in their heart? If so, what can you do? Bear Christ, the TRUE VINE and His fruit in your life so they can taste and recognize the real thing.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, the TRUE VINE. Uproot anything in our lives that chokes out the fruit of Your presence.
What Are You Uprooting and What Are You Growing
EVENT: Friends, I’m flying to Pierre, South Dakota today and will be leading my P.R.A.Y. with Passion Across the Nation Conf on Saturday. Please pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit and travel protection. Thank you!
Some time ago I noticed a vine growing in my flower bed and wasn’t sure what it was.
I didn’t know if it was a weed I needed to remove or a valuable vine I should keep. I had to make a decision. Uproot it or let it grow? Many today seek spiritual teachings, but don’t know which of them are eternally true and valuable and which are mere humanistic thought that should be uprooted. Jesus doesn’t want us to make a wrong decision. He tells us in John 15:1, “I am the true vine.” Do you know someone who is allowing vines of secular humanism to grow in their heart rather than growing Jesus’s words and teachings in their heart? If so, what can you do? Bear Christ, the TRUE VINE and His fruit in your life so they can taste and see the real thing.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, the TRUE VINE. Uproot anything in our lives that hinders the fruit of Your presence.
Praise to the TRUE VINE
“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.”
Some time ago I noticed a vine growing in my flower bed and wasn’t quite sure what it was. I didn’t know if it was a weed I needed to remove or a vine to keep. I had to make a decision. Uproot it or keep it and let it grow? Many today are making the wrong decision about Christ. They don’t recognize Him as the TRUE VINE. Rather than keeping Him and His words planted in their hearts, they’re allowing vines of humanism and false teachings to grow. What can Christians do in response? We can bear the fruit of Christ in our lives. We can let others see who He is. We can pray that people will open their eyes and recognize the TRUE VINE. When we display Christ’s fruit in our lives, the false is more easily distinguished.
Lord Jesus, We praise You, the TRUE VINE! Help us discard anything in our lives that hinders the fruit of Your presence in us. Help others see You and turn to You.
“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.”
John 15:1
Recently, I noticed a vine growing in my flower bed and wasn’t quite sure what it was. Was it a weed or was it a vine I wanted to keep? I had to make a decision. Uproot and discard it or keep it and let it grow? Many today are making the wrong decision about Christ. They don’t recognize Him as the TRUE VINE. Rather than keeping Him and His words, they are planting vines of humanism and false teachings in their hearts. What can we who are followers of Christ do? We can bear the joyous fruit of Christ in our lives. We can let them taste and see who He is. We can pray they will open their hearts to the TRUE VINE.
Lord Jesus, I praise You, the TRUE VINE! I pray to increasingly bear the fruit of Your presence in my life.
Debbie Taylor Williams. Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to forward or share this material provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge a fee for it. Any exception to the above must be approved by Debbie Taylor Williams. Please include on any web posting or printed distribution: © Debbie Taylor Williams, Thank you.