Walking in Power
Give Me Jesus

“In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus.” The words, “In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus,” are written in bold letters on a plaque my daughter gave me several years ago. I see it every day. Give me Jesus. Yes, I want Jesus in my day, in my decisions, and moments. But certainly, another plaque could hang in heaven. “In the morning when she rises, give me Debbie.” Yes, rather than our relationship with Christ being one way, one in which we benefit from Christ being in our lives, isn’t Christ also to benefit from us being His child? Aren’t we supposed to be serving Him and His purposes? The answer is yes. If you realize your relationship with Christ is one way, get a copy of my book, “Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion” at Amazon. Begin a two-way relationship with Jesus.
Become a First Responder

Standing at the front of the room, women’s ministry leader Pat, led a discussion on “Experiencing Grace and Peace in Cultural Chaos,” my study of 1 Peter. The discussion centered on challenging situations Christians experience today. Pat summarized one point of discussion, saying, “first we respond by praying.” Her words brought forth images of first responders rushing into burning buildings and first responders helping flood victims. Likewise, Christ calls Christians to be first responders to the chaos in our culture by sharing with others how to know His grace and peace. Learn how to be a spiritual first responder. Get a copy of “Experiencing Grace and Peace in Cultural Chaos.”
Drowning Eagles

Recently I was reminded of a National Geographic special about how eagles catch fish. Eagles fly high above the water and with their keen eyesight spot a fish, then dive for it. They grab the fish with their talons and fly to shore to eat it. However, on occasion, an eagle grabs a fish heavier than it can carry. With their talons deep in the fish, they can be taken into the water and drown. That can happen to us, too. Well intentioned Christians can believe they have a handle on sin, but in fact, it takes them down. 1 Peter is filled with examples of drowning sins that we can avoid. Get your copy of “Experiencing Grace and Peace in Cultural Chaos,“ a 5-week study that will help you avoid drowning in sins and help you soar in your Christian walk.
Come Back to God

“Look at the deer. Oh no. There goes Katie! Needless to say, my husband and I called for our lab as she chased the deer. It’s her nature to chase them. We understand that. Then what’s the problem? We bought Katie to be with us, not run away. As we continued to call, we spotted Katie, tongue hanging, running back to us. Thinking about Katie chasing the deer, I realized how much my nature is like hers; that too often I follow my natural instincts. Yet, the Lord who bought me, calls me to Himself. Where are you today in relation to God? Are you running from or to Him? Following your natural instincts or walking by Christ’s Spirit? If you’re running away or have wandered away, turn back. Begin each day with my free devotional, 365 Days of Praise.
How Do You Measure Up

Taking a break from writing, I decided to measure some bookcases for a project I was working on. Opening the drawer, I reached for a tape measure but hesitated. Which one? The large industrial tape measure or my cute fabric-covered one? Realizing it didn’t matter since an inch is an inch no matter the tape measure, the Lord reminded me sin is sin no matter the person. We will each stand before God, the rule maker, who will measure us by the standard of His righteousness. How will you measure up when you stand before God? If you’re not sure, click the Resources link. Watch the End Times videos. Prepare to meet Jesus. Make sure there will be no sin by which He measures and judges you when you die. End Times Study.
Friends, you’re invited to a study of Acts that I’m teaching. Learn more HERE.
See Closed Doors Open

Holding my finger to the gate opener, I edged toward the closed gate. Would it open this time, I wondered? It didn’t. Putting my car in reverse, I backed up and approached the gate a second time. Again, it failed to open. Determined, I gave it the ole “third time is the charm” approach. It worked! Have you been attempting to get through a closed door yet failing? Why not try a different approach? Psalm 145:18 tells us God is near to all who call on Him in truth. Have you called on your Heavenly Father and asked Him how to approach a closed door? Call on God. His door is always open. Then, listen to how He directs you. Act on God’s instruction. Journal God’s answers to your prayers and your praises in Prayers of My Heart, a journal designed with you in mind.
Pull Aside for Spiritual Emergencies

Driving down the highway, I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw an ambulance with flashing lights speedily approaching. Pulling over, I noticed all the other cars did the same. It’s the law to pull over for an emergency vehicle. Why is it that we set aside our time and agenda for an earthly emergency vehicle but we don’t for spiritual emergencies? People are dying and going to hell. Christ wants to move through the streets of our cities and reach the unsaved. Will you pull aside from your agenda to join Christ and reach people who are living and dying without hope? Learn how to change the course of our homes and nation by joining me for a study of Acts. Discover how Christians who are yielded to God can alter the course of families, cities, and our nation.
Be Alert to Satan, the Fraud

Do you ever get a phone call but don’t recognize the name of a person so you decline the call? I was about to do that, when something nudged me, “Answer the phone.” “Hello, ma’am. This is from the Fraud Department.” The caller explained they had denied someone’s attempt to charge $100 at a gas station that was hundreds of miles from where I was. Had I attempted the charge, they wondered. “No,” I replied, wondering when and where a person had scanned my credit card. Thankful it was denied, I thought of Satan and how many times I had not been alert to his scams. I had let his temptations come through and as a result, incurred loss. If you, like me, need your spiritual Fraud department to be on keen alert, get a copy of Experiencing Grace and Peace in Cultural Chaos, a study of 1 Peter. Learn how to avoid satan’s scams.
Kale and Other Warnings

“You won’t like that,” I warned Katie, our puppy who ate a piece of kale that accidentally fell to the floor. “Oh, you like it,” I noticed. Then a warning went off in my head. Maybe kale isn’t good for dogs. Quickly, I googled, “Is kale bad for a dog?” Sure enough, warnings appeared: DON’T FEED YOUR DOG KALE. Sometimes we do or say something and hope it won’t hurt. Sometimes a warning sounds within us, “Don’t do…. Don’t say.” God has equipped believers with the Holy Spirit so we have a heightened sense of discernment. Are you paying attention to the Spirit’s warnings? Are you listening to God? Early church believers model how we can follow the Spirit’s leading. Join me in a study of Acts. Learn how you can better follow God’s leading.