Take a Look at This Star

THANK YOU for your prayers today as I speak on the topic, “Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion” for the TBC San Antonio Ladies Retreat; that God kindle believers’ passion to live for His glory!
FYI: You can help us get the P.R.A.Y. Conf to the LAST 2 Mainland STATES: Oregon and Maine, Please reply if you have a contact in one of them. The P.R.A.Y. Conf supports churches in the areas of discipleship, prayer, and evangelism. Christians are given equipping, inspiring tools to help them pray more purposefully and live more passionately for Christ.
Many people attempt to rise to “stardom.” Some do. But no one, not even the most famous person comes close to Jesus, who explains in Revelation 22:16, “I am the root and the descendant of David, the BRIGHT MORNING STAR.” Jesus tells us that HE is the STAR to whom we should look. He is the STAR on whom we can set the course of our life and know we will arrive safely on heaven’s shores. To whom might you need to point out this most fantastic of Stars?
Lord, we praise You, the BRIGHT MORNING STAR.