The God of Weights

Unable to go to the gym during the pandemic, I began working out at home. Although I’d worked out with weights before, I wanted refresher tips so googled recommendations for the number of repetitions. Soon, I became engrossed with exercise tips and found myself thinking more and more about them. Then, one morning as I knelt to pray, I noticed my weights a few inches from my Bible. God quickened me to the fact my newfound interest had been a distraction from my time with Him. Is working out with weights wrong? No. It’s great. The believer’s body is God’s temple and we’re to take care of it. But God is to have first place in everything. Has anything become a preoccupation with you and taken away from your time with God? If so, return to giving Him first place. Get your copy of Prayers of My Heart Journal to help rekindle your intimacy with God.