This Time Last Year…

January 2021 is past. We had looked forward to a new year, to 2020 ending. In 2020 we set our eyes on 2021 and the promise of a vaccine to end the spread of Covid. “2021. We can’t wait,” we said. Surely, a new year would usher in new, good things. Certainly, with 2020 behind us we could move forward and get things back to “normal.” Now that we are one month into 2021, however, we realize that we can’t hitch our hope or our joy to a new year or a new administration or a new vaccine. As I write to you, fellow believer, I know that you know that the only One to whom we can hitch our wagon, to whom we can hitch our hope and joy is to the Lord. That’s why it is more important than ever that we dig deeper into the Word, that we maintain our quiet time with the Lord to pray and intercede for others. If you ever wake up and don’t “feel” like opening your Bible and reading it, that’s when to be more resolved than ever to read it. If you started the year journaling your prayers and praises but now would rather pour another cup of coffee and turn on the TV or check your email, stand firm. Only the devil or the lazy part of our nature would pull us away from the most important spiritual disciplines. Stand firm. Be mindful of your choices. These days are important and it is important that you be Christ’s light in your home, community, and with everyone whose life you touch. Last year and last month are gone. Today is the day God has given us to live our best life for Christ!
“Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, On those who hope for His lovingkindness,” Psalm 33:18.
Prayers of My Heart gratitude journal will help you focus on the positive ways God is working in your life and in the lives of others. It’s where you can record Scriptures to help you live joyfully. Tips on how to use it can be found here.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for keeping Your eye on us, for being the One to whom we look and cling and find hope. We love you.