We Can’t Wait!

“He’s coming with a sleigh and reindeer.” That’s what some parents tell their children about Santa, and oh, the kids get so excited in anticipation of his arrival. But, hey, believers! The real gift giver from above is flying into our universe and He isn’t accompanied by reindeer. Rather, our Lord Jesus is accompanied by a host from heaven who are coming to earth! Revelation 19:16 says that “on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, ‘KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.'” This is no fairy tale. This is a fact. It’s incredible to think about it. It’s beyond exciting and each of us who calls on the name of Christ for salvation should be looking toward the sky with jubilant hope because He is coming. As Old Testament believers looked forward to the day the Messiah would come, believers look forward to the day Jesus will return in glory. How magnificent that will be! Are you ready?
Christ Jesus, LORD OF LORDS, we bow in worship and praise. We. Can’t. Wait!