We Can’t Wait!

“He’s coming with a sleigh and reindeer.” That’s what some parents tell their children about Santa and kids get excited in anticipation of his arrival. But hey, believers! The real gift-giver from above is coming in the clouds and not with a sleigh and reindeer. Rather, Christ will come with the armies of heaven following Him. (Revelation 19:14) Rather than wearing a human-made Santa suit, Revelation 19:16 describes Christ’s robe and what is written on it:
on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, ‘KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.’
Christ’s coming isn’t a fairy tale. It’s a fact. It’s incredible and beyond exciting. As Old Testament believers once looked forward to the day the Messiah would come, believers look forward to the day Jesus will return to earth in glory. How magnificent that will be!
Christ Jesus, LORD OF LORDS, we bow in worship and praise You, King of Kings.