When You Feel Spiritually Sluggish

Do you ever feel sluggish? Spiritual blah? Nobody likes that feeling. So what do we do when we don’t feel motivated to pray, work, or get moving? Psalm 143:8 encourages us to lift up our souls to God. How do we do that? We pray regardless of how we feel. We read God’s Word. In the process, we discover we’re encouraged and inspired. How is that so? Jesus is a QUICKENING SPIRIT.” He not only gives us eternal life, He inspires and invigorates us through His Spirit who lives in us. If it feels like you’ve lost your spiritual get up and go, ask God to fill you with His Quickening Spirit; then follow how He prompts you throughout the day. Learn more about the Holy Spirit and His role in your life by ordering Listen UP: 31 Points about the Holy Spirit every Christian Should Know.