How Not to be a Sourpuss

Are you a sourpuss? You know, grumpy, negative, never satisfied? If so, take your thoughts CAPTIVE to Christ. Pay attention to what you’re thinking. Why? Your thoughts make you who you are. An example: After God opened a way for the Israelites to cross the Red Sea on dry land to escape the Egyptian army, Moses could have said, “Boy, that was close! I don’t know why God let that happen! He about got us killed.” Yes, he could have complained but He chose not to. Instead, Moses sang praises to God. “Your right hand, O LORD, is MAJESTIC in power, Your right hand, O LORD, shatters the enemy,” Exodus 15:6“Who is like You among the gods, O LordWho is like You, MAJESTIC in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders?”  Exodus 15:11

If we’re a sourpuss and tend to focus on the negative, we’re not doing ourselves or any one else a favor, including God. As a matter of fact, we’re being a bad showcase of our Majestic Lord. Isn’t it time we change?  If you’d like to, then obey God and take your thoughts captive to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5) Yep, go right up to the throne room and examine them. Moses isn’t the only one who has a God MAJESTIC in power and holiness. We do, too! Isn’t it time we change our thinking (Philippians 4:8) and act like it?

If you have Prayers of My Heart, turn to the Meditations, Notes, and Prayers section and write words of praise to your Heavenly Father. Do you need prompts? He’s saved you. He forgives your bad behavior. His Word straightens out your wayward thoughts. His Spirit is your downpayment and security of heaven. His grace is new every morning. Do you have a family or friends, a roof over your head, clean water, food, a bed to sleep in at night? Write words of thanks to Him now.

You, O LORD, are MAJESTIC in HOLINESS and POWER! We sing Your praises for all the things You’ve done, are doing, and will. Help us showcase You by examining our thoughts in light of all we have in You. 

