Wise UP

I Think You’ll Like This

My friend stood before me with outstretched hand holding a small gift book. You know the kind…small, hardback, pretty cover. I glanced at the title while thanking her…wondering why she was giving me a gift. It wasn’t my birthday.

Heavenly Rewards

Marilyn began telling me how much “The Life God Rewards” by Bruce Wilkinson had meant to her. To be honest, I’d never thought much about the topic. I’m not motivated to serve God because there’s a reward in it for me. Heaven has always seemed to be the reward. Being in Jesus’s presence – the reward. Seeing loved ones in heaven – the reward. Being free of sin – the reward.

The Book Went On My Nightstand

I placed the book on my nightstand intending to read it, but days passed. Something (SomeOne) kept nudging me to read it, tho. I knew it was an important read because Marilyn knows me well. She’s been in Bible study with me for years. She and I attend church together. We worship side by side most Sundays. Once again, I wondered why she gave me the book.

Earthly Rewards

I began reading Marilyn’s book and was blessed by it. Jesus taught a lot about heavenly rewards. I encourage you to look into the topic. In addition, the Bible teaches a lot about earthly rewards. This morning the Lord drew me to Proverbs 3 and the earthly rewards we receive by following His wise instructions.

Following is the list of earthly rewards I recorded in the “Meditations, Notes, and Prayers” section of “Prayers of My Heart.” If you’re not using this section of your journal, I encourage you to begin. It’s a great place to write down what the Lord’s teaching you in your quiet time with Him. Here’s what I recorded from the section my Bible titled: The Rewards of Wisdom.

Proverbs 3: The Rewards of Wisdom

  • 2 – Length of days and years of life; peace
  • 4 – Favor and good repute in the sight of God and man
  • 6 – Straight paths
  • 8 – Healing to your body and refreshment to your bones
  • 9 – Barns filled, vats overflowing
  • 16 – Long life, riches and honor
  • 17 – Pleasant ways, paths – peace
  • 18 – Life, happy
  • 22 – Life to your soul
  • 23 – Secure walk
  • 24 – Not be afraid, sweet sleep
  • 25 – Not sudden fear when wicked onslaught comes
  • 26 – Lord is/will be your confidence and keep your foot from being caught
  • 32 – Lord will give grace to the afflicted
  • 35 – Will inherit honor


I love that Solomon, the author of most of Proverbs, didn’t present a list of unreal promises; such as we’d never get sick or have problems. To the contrary:

  • He said the reward is healing, which means there are times of illness/injury.
  • He mentions the reward of refreshment, which means there will be times of weariness.
  • He mentions filled barns and overflowing vats, which means there will be times of emptiness.
  • He mentions not being afraid and sweet sleep…instead of fear and troublesome sleep we’ve experienced.
  • He mentions a “wicked onslaught,” but being warned and secure.
  • He mentions grace to the afflicted, reminding us that there are times of affliction.
  • And, He reminds us of the ultimate reward – inheriting heavenly honor.

What Do You Think? Join the conversation below.

  • Do you think our society pays attention to or ignores the wisdom of the Bible?
  • What rewards, or lack of, are you experiencing because of your obedience or disobedience to Biblical wisdom?
  • I’m more convinced than ever that I need to Wise UP; in other words, study and follow Biblical wisdom. What about you? What Biblical wisdom do you need to follow?

Heavenly Father, thank You that we can Wise UP and experience the earthly rewards of living wisely. 


4 thoughts on “Wise UP

  1. I need Jesus, The Word and the Holy Spirit everyday. I am now in a season of lack, emptiness and physical illness/disability. In 3 weeks on Aug, 28th I go into the hospital for a total hip replacement. I am hoping and praying for God’s perfect will and His perfect peace, will guide me, the Surgeon, his staff and my prayer partners/warriors, through and to a successful operation and rehabilitation to gain back my mobility. I praise and thank Him everyday for the blessings I do have and ask for Him to continue to sanctify my daily “pilgrims progress” to reflect Jesus and to give all glory, honor and praise to El Shaddai, God Almighty! I ask and pray for divine healing from my LORD, Jehovah-rapha. And I also pray for all my needs to be met by my LORD, Jehovah-jireh. In Christ’s Name Amen. Shalom and Maranatha! Come quickly Lord Jesus….

  2. I need Jesus, The Word and the Holy Spirit everyday. I am now in a season of lack, emptiness and physical illness/disability. In 3 weeks on Aug, 28th I go into the hospital for a total hip replacement. I am hoping and praying for God’s perfect will and His perfect peace, will guide me, the Surgeon, his staff and my prayer partners/warriors, through and to a successful operation and rehabilitation to gain back my mobility. I praise and thank Him everyday for the blessings I do have and ask for Him to continue to sanctify my daily “pilgrims progress” to reflect Jesus and to give all glory, honor and praise to El Shaddai, God Almighty! I ask and pray for divine healing from my LORD, Jehovah-rapha. And I also pray for all my needs to be met by my LORD, Jehovah-jireh. In Christ’s Name Amen. Shalom and Maranatha! Come quickly Lord Jesus…. Please pray for me Debbie and any or all prayer warriors that read your blog. Thank you for all your passion for God’s Word and your ministry. Sisters in Christ, Always, Rae Lynn Merritt

  3. Rae Lynn, you are a shining example of trusting God through a very difficult time in your life. I’m so sorry for all you’re having to go through, and will be praying for you!

    “Lord, Rae Lynn has said she is in a season of lack, yet her next breath is giving honor and praise to You. Thank You for being with her, for comforting and strengthening her. Thank You, Lord, that she trusts in you through her daily “pilgrims progress,” and that she desires to reflect Jesus and bring glory and honor to You. Strengthen her. Encourage her. Be her provision. Fill her needs. Deepen her trust. Bring others into her life to encourage her. Lord, I pray for a perfect surgery and complete healing for Rae Lynn. We give you all the honor and glory. In Jesus’s name, Amen.”

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