“Baooon!” Requests and Thanksgiving

“Baooon! Baooon!” With a worried look, our two-year-old grandson turned his face toward me then pointed to the ceiling. “Baooon!” he repeated, pointing to his blue birthday balloon that had drifted to the vaulted ceiling. “I’m sorry, but Mimi can’t reach it.” “Baooon!” he determinedly pointed, fretfully looking at family members. Then, I noticed his daddy leave the room and return with an extension rod. Soon, the balloon was in my grandson’s hands and he was grinning ear to ear looking at his father. Are you fretting today? Are you looking for others to help you? Sometimes our Heavenly Father is the only One who can help us. Look to Him. Call on Him. If you don’t know what to pray, pray whatever is on your heart. You can also find “Prayers for Different Occasions” to help you get started. Whatever you pray, know that your Heavenly Father is listening and cares deeply for you.